Thursday, September 08, 2022

The Queen Is Dead. Long Live The King.

It's all my fault. 

At work the other day I was training users how to use the new content management system, someone asked what the difference is between a Draft version of a story and an Embargoed version of a story. Draft is something you'll come back to and continue to work on. Embargoed is a story that you do not want, under any circumstances, to be published unless an Editor approves it. No accidental publishing of say an obituary. 

"I don't wish her any ill will, but..." I say, "but like, Queen Elizabeth? You may have an obituary "in the can" as it were, and you do not under any circumstances want that to be published on accident. I mean really. Imagine. No. So that would be an embargo."  

So that would be an example. Embargoed keeps it super safe from being published accidentally. Use it when you need it. You can embargo until a date (ie: a press release/announcement) or you can keep it until you need it. 

And then today. Well. You get to publish that Embargoed story now don't you. 

Not a surprising turn of events, I guess. And it is kind of weird because almost all of the people I know have been alive during her reign, as she became Queen in 1952. My parents were alive when her dad was King and all that. But honestly, looking at things, wow. We've all lived during the same time as her reign. 

There are thoughts and feelings I have about colonization and decolonization, how England ruled and subjugated so much of this globe and did so horribly. 

But. The past is passed. 

Charles is the king now, he's boring and horrible. At least she was interesting and lead an intriguing life. 

And as Charles is now Charles III, I'll bring up the fact that he will never be as cool as Charles II, the king who brought back partying. 

Watch, enjoy: 

Also, I've learned more from Horrible Histories about World History than I have learned anywhere. Ever. Thank you for these gems, BBC. 

So I've been thinking of England, for the people she ruled, for the people she stopped ruling, for her longevity and for the land. Always a Shakespeare quote in my heart for things. 

“This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,

--This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.”

So, sorry Queenie. I didn't mean to say anything to do you wrong and hasten your departure. Best wishes.


exercise: Dedicated 10+30. Did 29 minutes inside, and then walked to the Pokegym. that was about 10 minutes plus an extra walk around the exterior of the house for the even 40.

blood glucose
9am: 193
5pm: 153
11pm: 178

coffee, water, Iced coffee
9:45am: Two Good berry yogurt
11ish: several slices of cantaloupe as I sliced it up to make it so people will eat it before it rots... people.
11:45: tuna melt (tuna, mayo, celery, salt, pepper) on 2 pieces of 647 bread with 2 pieces of american cheese (it's the meltiest for tuna melts!) and a fat slice of tomato. Metformin. 
5:30pm: Cheeseburger on top of a big salad, italian (zesty!) dressing)
10:45pm: Apple w/ peanut butter

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