Friday, September 02, 2022

Triangles and Cauliflowers

 (Fell asleep before publishing last night). 

One of my favorite bands that isn't Guster is Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. 

They did the theme song for King Of The Hill back in the day. They're getting ready to do some shows and have decided to bring a fan to come up on stage and play the triangle in the song. The title of the full song is Yahoos and Triangles, and if you listen to it, you can hear why. 

They're such a fun band, and I bet this would be a riot. They are selling raffle tickets at the shows, so the lucky winner will be chosen and brought up on stage to bang the triangle and probably yell yahoooooo a bunch. 

Rumor has it they're headed here to the East. So. Maybe I'll win and get to play. 

When we were in Tempe for the 20th anniversary of one of their albums, I grabbed the t-shirt, which I love, pictured below. 

Tonight I started to prep dinner. I was going to make cauliflower turn into a pizza crust, like magic. I've wanted to do this for some time now, and was all gung ho to start it tonight. 

He wanted to make cheesesteaks, and needed to get the peppers, onions, and shrooms sauteed for it. 

I pointed out that I was already making dinner. He pointed out that my dinner looked like it would be very time consuming, and maybe I should have started earlier. 

"Mine is faster," he said. True. Too true. And he was right. I should have started the prep for this at lunch but did not. 

I capitulated. I mean, I'm not going to fight with someone else who wants to make a meal, right? So that's what we had for dinner. It wasn't very filling (hence, the tortilla with peanut butter after) but honestly it was tasty. And that is all that matters. 

I then realized that tomorrow I'm headed to the office to connect with a coworker who is in from out of town. So I decided to just start it. At 8pm. 

Doug suggested that I just use riced cauliflower, we had a bag in the freezer. I told him that crossed my mind. Geoff had already bought me two of them, and I think/hope that is going to be quite enough to make us some pizzas. 

The recipe I picked (and linked to above) calls for roasting the cauliflower and I missed that part. I just steamed both of them, because one felt like it wasn't going to be enough. Now it'll probably be too much. I put the results through the kitchenaid food processor, this is the third time I've used it, ever. Kudos to me. Now it is sitting in a bowl, in paper towel, which I am squeezing periodically to get all the liquid out... that's key to this, I guess.

It is time consuming. Geoff was right!

I'll leave it sit overnight, probably in a ziploc bag with paper towel. Then tomorrow, add the eggs, parmesan cheese (the recipe also calls for goat cheese, but I'm out of that so maybe I'll grab some at Harris Teeter tomorrow!?), some fresh Oregano from my garden, I'll snip some of that out... It has hardly been used this year. Then do the rest of the mixing, spreading, toasting, to make "crust." 

I have to decide what we'll put on top to make it the pizza. The recipe said to "go easy" so as not to bust the crust into a million pieces, so we've got red sauce and pepperoni, a little onion, some green pepper. 

We'll see how things go! Fingers crossed for tomorrow's report!

Shirt needs to be ironed or washed again, but it was in the bottom of a drawer and I found it recently and laughed. Digits below.


exercise: Dedicated 10+5. Wanted to get all the way to 30 but we had a small emergency thing happen, and I assisted (I could have ignored). Team player. Woo.

blood glucose:
8:30am: 205 (?)
5pm: 194
xpm -- fell asleep before taking bedtime reading. oops.

coffee, water
12:00 Metformin; 2 chicken thighs, 1 sausage (leftover clearout)
1pm: apple with peanut butter; trail mix
5:30pm: cheesesteak filling (meat, cheese, peppers, onions, mushrooms) topped with Salsa
6:30pm: tortilla wrap with peanut butter; Metformin+Jardiance

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