Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Inside and Outside

In yesterday's entry, I commented that Geoff is so noisy in the mornings when he gets ready to leave for his clinical placement. This morning, he was silent. Not a peep. No opening/closing the microwave door to heat up his coffee or his oatmeal. He quietly made eggs and fresh coffee (usually, if we have leftover coffee from the day before, Geoff will heat up a cup. Or we take the coffee and put it in the iced coffee container in the fridge). He left this morning without slamming the front door. It's hard to close sometimes. 

Either that or I was just in the most sleepiest sleep mode that was ever sleep. But that's doubtful. The dog didn't even hear him and get up to go to the kitchen to scam early breakfast off of him. Phineas woke me up around 7, a half hour after Geoff leaves to walk to the train. It was actually kind of weird. I even went downstairs to make sure he got up and was indeed gone.

So quiet. So very quiet.

I let Phin out, went to the bathroom, and decided I was up for the day. I let Phin back inside and he jumped into bed again so I laid down and  goofed off with my phone for a while. Of course, I fell back asleep until the trash guys came at 9. Thankfully. Thanks Dudes for saving me from oversleeping my early meeting!

Doug left for his office at about noon for a meeting, and I was on a call. Surprisingly he was back at 1:30. Didn't stay long. No desire to stay long. In fact when I went into the office Friday he was kind of like "why would you bother, you don't have to be there, there is no reason for you to be there...." etc etc. Having a work friend is motivation enough to go into the office. 

I was disappointed because I had plans for the time he wasn't here. Like the Vacuum. Which I still have not done.  

But while Doug was out, I did have some nice and quiet time. Phineas slept next to me the whole time. In fact, I was not sure where my phone was. I looked all over the house and ended up asking my coworker to call me. 

It was under the dog. 

Usually, when I get up and move around, he follows me everywhere like he's tethered to my ass. The fact that he laid there, did nothing, the entire time I was looking, it was amusing. And when the phone rang, he was unbothered. It was hilarious.


Speaking of weirdos. Let's talk about plants! Are you sick of plants yet? Sorry! You are in the wrong blog!

I repotted some things today after work. The swiss cheese monstera, the jade plant, the succulent I don't know the name of, and the Mother of Thousands. I have some seeds for that one in a little container in the kitchen, too. I am not sure how many get planted, but for sure, I've run out of pots now.  

I had second thoughts on splitting up the spider plant that had so so so many babies. Once I cut the babies off, and then cleaned up some of the dead leaves, it seemed so happy and light. I may change my mind, but for now, it's there. Intact. 

I should take another picture in the sunshine tomorrow morning. But this is the team, as is, tonight. Say hello to the team. 

I wanted to take a picture of the little tree dealie that I have which I'm unsure of the name. Here it is on the shelf, with the lamp we got in New Orleans. And the Lucky Buddha bottle Doug got at a restaurant near Pittsburgh. It's holding a prop of one of the plants. It fell off after we got it home, so I hope it grows some roots. 

I hope the little tree is happy. It is far away from all the other wee plants, but it looks good on the shelf. Send all my lil'babies mojo. I want them all to do well! 

After I potted plants, Doug started his fantasy football draft and I let Phineas out to discover it actually was beautiful out. A touch humid, but like 72 glorious degrees. A temperature that I have longed for. So I had no excuse. I put my sandals on and went for a walk. I headed up to the pokemon gym at the top of the street, then did a loop past our old house and over to the east, then down another two blocks, and over. I thought about walking down to the other pokemon gym at the bottom of the street but I was getting bored. So I moseyed home. It was super nice to be out there, it was still light out, and so many people were also out enjoying the night. 

Bless bless, I've longed for this kind of weather!  

Digits, below.


exercise: Dedicated 10+12. 22 minutes out in the world outside, breathing in the world. An additional 16 in the house because I wanted to get to 30 minutes, but my fitbit wasn't registering what I was doing, so I kept going and got a big 38 active minutes for the day. 

blood glucose:

8:30am 180
6pm: 178
10:15pm: 203 (probably too close to when i ate last, oh the mysteries...)

coffee, water
12:30: Grilled ham and cheddar on 647 bread; metformin
1:30: ramekin of mixed nuts snack
3pm: peach (yes, a whole beautiful peach) 
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; chicken parmesan (made with Almond Flour instead  of white flour. Just to test that out again...)

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