Sunday, September 25, 2022

A Hoarders Update of sorts

We hadn't heard from Doug's aunt in several weeks. 

I think before I went to Maine was the last time I touched base with her. Doug's mom asked if we had hear from her, and aside from sort of weird rambling email that Doug got asking if we'd been trying to contact his cousin, that was it. And no. We weren't trying to get in touch with his cousin.  

So, I emailed her to check in early last week. 

At about 2am Saturday she emailed me. Got the long sad story of how her son won't help with anything, she can't get more things done, all because he is unhelpful. She's stuck and needs help (note: she didn't ask 'can you please come help' just like she never says 'thank you for everything you're doing.' She's oblivious...), and all the gory details of her dental work. 

The dentist office "refuses" to do any more work on her, because she owes them money. "They shouldn't be allowed to refuse anyone healthcare. It's criminal and they are money hungry." Um. No. Not really. That's... a service you pay for and you should pay for it. They're not money hungry. This is business. Businesses get paid. Get on medicaid or medicare or whatever you may need in order to have the gubbmint pay for your health care, lady. Dental should be covered.

But at the end of the day, the story is always the same: Everyone's always mean to her, or out to get her. Everyone is unreasonable. She's the victim. Always. 

It's kind of horrible to sit and listen to someone who views the world in this manner.

The dishwasher is still in its spot, but she did have a service person come look at it. It needs a new pump. But she should have said "please take this out of here," or "What day are you coming back to install a new pump in it and repair it."  

But "someone" and I do not know who this would be, someone, gave her a countertop dishwasher.  Which I've never heard of but it looks kind of cool. 

But. She can't hook it up because she needs to get at the hose for the water, which.... you're following me on this right? .... which is attached to the dead dishwasher stuck under the cabinet. 

Additionally.... where the fuck does she think she's going to put a countertop dishwasher anyway? She has no space on the counter. No space at all. So this is dumb. Not the solution. It's another thing in her life that she doesn't need, that doesn't solve her problems. 

The dishwasher has to go. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I regretted asking. And I have not replied.

My hand is not well enough to go and do stuff and actually help, so I am disinclined. And Doug didn't suggest we go over (yet), so I am thankful for that. He's not in the mood to help anyway.

I read him the email, and he's at the point where he's going to basically tell her (not suggest) but tell her she needs to have professional help come in from Elder Services and get this taken care of with her. Because she undoes everything we have done this year, and she just needs to finish it all up.  

She's refused their help before. So this suggestion is the right thing to do but she will not go for it. Stubborn. So stubborn.

And looking around my house right now the past couple weeks have gotten a little messy so ... maybe I can clean my own mess and not worry about hers. When my hand feels much better. 

The upside is, there's a chain of restaurants called Buffalo Wing Factory out in that area (Loudon, Sterling, Chantilly, Reston...) and one of the locations is super close to her house so I swear to God himself that's reason enough for going out there.

If you have room in your heart, say a prayer for Doug or send him some mojo. He's about to go to HR and upper management and discuss his work situation, which is unacceptable and he's miserable. He loved his job. Loved it. Was so happy. And then they reorganized his department, his boss left, and he's just not doing well. He's super depressed. He needs some light and love in his heart. 

Anyway. It's been a little stressful. I am sad that he's so sad and abused, and he was so very happy there. So carve out a corner for him if you'd be so kind. I don't want to talk any more about it. Just in case anyone's reading this that could use anything against us. 

I want some buffalo wings now that I'm thinking about what I said earlier, but I do not want to go out that way. heh. 

Doug went to put the lawnmower in the shed this morning and called me outside to see these crazy ass giant crickets. They are all over our yard, just like the cicadas were this summer. They like our shed. Doug said they were all over the lawnmower, eating the freshly mown grass, and singing. 

The south is full of giant assed bugs, yo. Hopefully you, dear reader, are not too bug phobic. Because .... I had to share these pictures. Just for reference, their antennae are wider than my hand. It is super hard to see in the pictures, but. Hohmygod.


exercise: Dedicated 10+12 this morning on a pokemon walk. I forgot my fitbit (it was on the charger) so later on, another 11 min. walk. 

blood glucose:
10:30am: 170
6:15pm: 179
11:15pm: 171

coffee, water
10:30am chicken salad (about a cup)
noon: 2 slices of 647 bread with pb&j
3pm: 2 good yogurt (cherry) 
5pm: beer (2 pints, wanted to drink the last of my Guster beer before my son got it!) 
6:15pm: metformin+jardiance; chicken parm 
7:30pm-10pm, another couple beers and a lot of cookie dough (Geoff and I baked tonight)

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