Friday, September 02, 2022

At The Office


My colleague/teammate/friend who I recruited for a job is here is visiting DC this weekend. He flew in yesterday so we could work in office today. Then my husband pointed out it is the Friday of a holiday weekend. Why are you going into the office? This is like a huge gift day of do nothingness! 

Well maybe, but, no. We want to see each other. And we have work to do. So much work to do! Let's do it. LET'S DO WORK IN THE SAME PLACE!!! 

I offered Geoff a ride to clinical this morning since it is around the corner from my office. He said he'd rather take the metro (rude. okay?). He left and I was still asleep. Thank you for the extra 45 min of happy sleepy time. I wanted to be here early, arrived right at the time I would have as a normal day, normal "before times" days. B was at a coffee shop round the way, so I waited for him in the lobby, he brought me a coffee, and we got him an official work badge so he can move about the building like a grownup. 

Please note the floral shirts. We did not plan this. But we were cute as hell, and proud of it! 

We had lunch with another colleague who came into the office specifically just to see us. I was thrilled to see her. She has been a rock and salvation for me (she works on the training team and is just the smartest person I know) so it was nice to have a few minutes together after two and a half years. We were in a training meeting and she told everyone "Listen to Christine, she's me with a different head!" Honestly though, no. She's so smart and I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as she is about our platforms.  

A note just went around to all staff saying we could leave at 2pm, which is very early (usually it is 3 or 3:30!) but both of us have plenty to do. We're meeting up with another colleague at 4 (she left recently for another job) and Geoff will join us around 4:30ish. 

Since I drove in, I'll be surprised if I can drive back out without it taking 2 hours. 

B and I went out after work and met up with the other colleague who left back in June. We caught her up on all our stuff and learned about her new job. She may get to travel to India to go meet with some of their product team, which sounds so cool. The company is based in NYC but she doesn't have to be based there. It sounds like a really sweet gig. I am super happy for her. 

Our product owner for the application B and I work on came out with us, which was really sweet seeing as I don't get to spend much time with her, unless there is a crisis of some sort. And Geoff met up with us too. We had a really good time, Geoff seemed to have had a really good day at his clinical. His professor came to visit, and they had a meeting to touch base and catch up. Geoff was very sociable, and talked a lot to B. 

All told a good day! Except for the super high blood glucose at 7pm and the not very good eating habits today. Yeah!

Here's E, B, and me!


exercise: 31 min total. 11 min walking in/around office/DC; 20 min in the house laps

blood glucose:
7am: 178
7:15pm: 272 (eeep beer+Reese's is the culprit!)
10pm 211 (on it's way down...)

Coffee, water; iced tea 
12:15; metformin, turkey avocado blt in wrap (unknown brand/carb count) 
4pm to 6pm: 2 beers, buttermilk battered chicken fingers, 2 Reese's Peanut butter cups
7:15pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: 4 large celery sticks w/peanut butter
9:30pm pepperoni & cheese

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