Sunday, June 30, 2024

To The Gym!

Today I got up in time to do the 9am steps, and didn't sleep through an hour during the day, like, um, yesterday. 

I was sorely tempted, friends. At about 1:30 Doug went to "read" which means read for a few minutes and then fall asleep. I charged my phone, loaded the dishwasher, and packed myself up to go to the gym. I really should do this more frequently, right? I get lazy and then walk around inside the house. Doug told me when I do that it is "anxiety inducing" for him. Walking in circles around the house like that. I was a little irritated because honestly, I'm trying my best to do things for me to get healthier, and outside walking is not my jam. So. I'm walking around inside the damn house. So maybe I'll leave the house more.

But today. No excuse. 

I went to the gym a couple weeks ago before going out for Sara's birthday. I had about 25 minutes to spare and the gym is next door to the restaurant basically. So I figured eh, why not. When I pulled into the parking lot, there was a lady sitting in her car on the phone. I did about 20 minutes on the treadmill and came out. She was still on the phone, but was cleaning her car, doors open. 

"Done already?" she asked me. I laughed.
"Yeah - I only had about 20 or so minutes to spare so I just did the treadmill and boom. Done. 20 minutes is better than zero minutes, I guess." I replied.
"Hell yeah you are so right," she said, "Jeeesh I should go into the gym already." I heard her sister laughing and I thought to myself yeah, I've procrastinated a million times in life by talking to my sister so I absolutely can relate. 

At the gym today, there were not a lot of people. The treadmills were all open except for 2. No one was on the bikes, and the 30 minute circuit room was empty. I did 20 solid minutes on the treadmill for about 3/4 of a mile. Tried to steadily increase the speed until I wasn't sure I could run or keep up with the pace. Made myself laugh a couple times. 

After that, I went to the circuit room, and did all the machines. I've been having a problem with plantar fasciitis, as I've mentioned, so I used some of the leg machines to stretch my calves and hamstrings more and longer than I usually would have.

I would have stayed longer but I needed to get back home for D&D! Two weeks in a row. We're off next week and probably the week after. 

There was a much older man in there, in khaki dockers and a red dress shirt. I thought that was interesting, and I saw him leave with his (most likely) son, who was maybe a little older than me. The son was in workout gear: shorts and a very 70s throwback style t-shirt with horizontal sunset stripes and a sun, with "ACAPULCO" emblazoned in script underneath. 

There were a ton of 20-something year old dude bros doing weights and machines, and flexing in front of the mirror, taking selfies after their reps to show how "swole" they were. They were groaning a lot - super kind of gross. And I guess so fully impressed with themselves that this is how they find joy and happiness, maybe. I found it ridiculous. So I took a selfie of myself. Not lifting weights or flexing in the mirror. Just my big old face. 

Digits, below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. went to the gym. did all the machines in the 30 min room. 20 min. treadmill walk. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 168
6pm: 133
10pm: 156


11:30am: rather large bowl of mac&cheese with hamburger, metformin
6pm: 2 nice sausages and macaroni salad; metformin+jardiance. white wine
7:45pm: apple and peanut butter

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