Saturday, September 23, 2023

"Sentimental Bananas"

Today's title comes from Linda,  who was telling me about her grocery shopping trip for my mom. Before she went, she made a list of things mom wanted. Since she literally has all but totally stopped eating, Lin and some of mom's acquaintances are trying to get food into her, so they're shopping for things she likes. Even if they are baked, sugary yummies. She doesn't have the diabetes so, why not. Lemon pound cake, Dunkin' Donuts, etc. 

"Will you eat bananas?" asks Linda
"Yeah, I'll eat bananas," mom replies. 

Linda remembered that when we were there in July, there was a batch of bananas in the kitchen and my mom made Jess take them home. We asked her then if she liked bananas and she wrinkled her nose and said no. 

So Linda pondered that. "Maybe they were dad's bananas, and she didn't want them because it was a little triggering. Maybe they were sentimental bananas." 

I thought that was humorous. 

Today we are in the midst of a tropical storm that is moving up the coast and will be parking its ass to our east and spinning for days. The forecast is for rain now through next weekend as a result. Last night the storm brought the winds, and cold air, and it was rather chilly and uncomfortable. 

We wanted a weekend here to get stuff done in the yard. We need to clean the gutters and pull out trees and vines that have grown up in front of the house in the middle of the rhododendrons and azaleas. But that weekend is not today. 

Doug went into the bedroom this afternoon and started going through shit that he moved here with that was piled up on the floor beside his bed. He had all this stuff up at the other house too. And he had this stuff in Massachusetts.

Six years of that stuff here, in Maryland, on the side of his bed. Finally, he's going through shit. I should have taken before and after pictures.

I've done repeated organizational purges over the years so I don't have nearly as much shit. But I do have piles of shit that I can sort through. Except now he's napping in the bedroom.

He said he was looking for a black denim fleece-lined jacket that he wanted to bring last December on his road trip, and he just can't find it. 

I was slightly confused, I don't know what jacket he is referencing, to be honest. "You've got jackets. you have so many jackets. I have ONE jacket and a dress coat," I pointed out. He got mad and described it to me and he said he hasn't seen it for years and thought it would be in that pile of stuff.

The more I think about it, I actually believe the jacket he is talking about is in the basement in a box marked "Winter Clothing" which we haven't touched since moving. I'll see about us getting that looked into so he has it, since he really wantes it. But ... there are 9 heavy winter coats hanging in the hall closet, and I kind of wish he'd go through them, someday. 

Suffice to say, Doug's side of the room is amazingly clean right now, and now I feel guilty. I have the three boxes of stuff that I brought back from my office when I went down in 2021. Sitting on a table by my bedside. I have a pile of shit that needs sewn, and I did find my sewing kit recently, so I can fix things that need fixed. I should do that. 

In talking to Linda, she did the shopping for mom, and she's going to drink mimosas and clean the shower. Mom's friend Donna cleaned the bathroom floor and around the toilet. I had done that in July and I guess it was in extreme need to be done again. Glad to have that kind of help. 

Inspired by Doug's cleaning and Linda's cleaning, I hit our bathroom. And a little bit of the kitchen, and I tried to be quiet for him to rest. 

All told, it was a busy but inside day full of outdoor storms and rain. Tomorrow probably won't be any better, but we'll see what may come.

No picture today.


exercise 10/12 hours of 250 steps.  missed 9 and 10 because I was super asleep but I got all the rest of the hours.

blood glucose:

11am: 148
xpm: n/a because I didn't want to wake up Doug
9:30pm: 160


coffee, water
noon: metformin
3pm: apple w/peanutbutter
6:30pm: cheeseburger on onion roll; metformin
8pm: bag of microwave popcorn; peanuts
vodka tonics

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