Saturday, September 09, 2023

thanks, weather

Today was a waste. 

I slept in, per my usual for a Saturday morning, and was up a little after 10. Doug went to the farmer's market alone because I was literally hardly awake. Linda wanted to chat, so I got on the phone with her, and my headphones, and did some tidying up and dishes while we chatted for 90 minutes, I think. 

Doug and I talked about going somewhere and he picked a brewery kind of far to our Northeast that we had not been to yet. I took a shower, we got ready. 

And the sky told us to rethink our plans. It's been weird weather 'round here. I'm glad we didn't leave.

Things have been unsettled the past couple days, weather-wise. Last night it started to thunder and lighting around 8pm and just kept going. We had a brief period of pouring rain, but all told, it was just a light show with an auditory accompaniment that was super impressive. 

I fell asleep at around 1am, and both Doug and I woke up at 4 ish, with more storms rocking out. I went outside with Phin at like 5, and it was just amazing, all around us. And no rain. This morning was bright and clear, and actually cool so we were faked out. Until the storms started coming back hard around 2pm. 

So today turned into hanging around, playing games on the phone, goofing off. And I talked to my cousin John for the first time since July and that was ... a lot.

We didn't have anything really for dinner, so it was leftovers night, I didn't really want anything. I wanted to order chinese food but by the time I got off the phone with John it was late. So. I grazed on some pasta and had 2 pbj sandwiches. 

and a lot of wine?

I hope we do something fun tomorrow. Today was burned, and that makes me sad. 


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. slept through 9am, per usual. weekend vibes baby!

blood glucose:

10:30am: 178
4pm: 175
11pm: 178


coffee, water 
1:30pm: metformin; 3 spicy chicken thighs whipped up into chicken salad
7pm: bowl of baked ziti left over
8pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: entire bag of cub scout popcorn (probably 90 g carbs)
red wine
8:45pm: pbj sammitch on 647 bread
9pm: pbj sammitch on 647 bread (this is what happens when you don't have an actual dinner)

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