Saturday, September 02, 2023

Office Visit

[Friday's Entry, Saturday morning]

Today I went to the office. One of my colleagues flew in for a wedding over the long weekend and it's his first visit as a full time employee (he used to work for a client location, and we scooped him up). He wanted to come visit, get an ID badge for future possible visits. He needed me to be his contact to get into the building. His escort, if you will. 

Another colleague was marking his last day on the job and our department head wanted to take us to lunch. 

Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking about this big thing that one of the clients is doing/launching on Monday. I felt my heart racing. 

Literally why can't I just stop thinking about work things sometimes, and just fall asleep? It was close to 1am when I did fall asleep I think, and then Phineas woke up and wanted to go out at 2:30. When I got back in bed my stomach was making all kinds of noise. Trumpeting, squeeeeeeealing, gurgling. Doug got up and went in the guest room. I was laughing, he was not. 

Sorry dude but, sometimes the belly needs to sing the song of its people.

It was nice to be at the office but I got literally one thing done. I met with a co-worker about a thing that is happening that none of us can figure out. None of us. I'm stumped now after talking to him, he was kind of my last hope. 

I got a lot of steps in, shattered the 10k mark, almost got to 11k, even with Doug driving me to the metro in the morning and Geoff picked me up half way home. 

When I got home, I was absolutely knackered. Wiped the hell out. So tired. How does going into the office result in such incredible exhaustion? 

I laid down for a minute to play with my phone and fell right asleep. Well I guess the less than 5 hours of sleep the night before combined with all the walking, talking, meeting, doing it can be rather draining. Doug made a really nice stew out of chicken thighs and some kielbasa he found in the fridge, tomato based with veggies and all that. He made cornbread from scratch too, which was nice and maybe I had 3 pieces when I should have had one. 

My food and meds for the day were a little out of whack, I forgot to take my lunchtime metformin and remembered at 4pm. And then dinner was on the later side, and I wanted to take the dinner meds further away from the 4pm one. Got a little off kilter there. 

All told, a good day. I just honestly don't know how I did this every day for years. Being at home working has kind of worn out my go outside stamina, and definitely my get things done scale is tipped here vs. being there. But I enjoyed things, and may go back again someday. 

No pictures today even though I took some. Digits are below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. 

blood glucose:

7am: 160
6:30pm: 150
10pm: 212


coffee, water
lunch at work: strata w/eggs, veggies, etc; arugala salad w/poached peach
4pm: remembered my metformin
8pm: chicken stew w/tomatoes, veggies etc; 3 pieces of cornbread
8:30pm: Metformin+jardiance
white wine

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