Monday, February 12, 2024

Arnold Movies

Watching the game last night, we saw a State Farm commercial with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it. He has a pretty distinct accent and drops the "R" off the end of any words like "Get in the choppah!" and "like a good neighbah, state fahm is thaih." The crew is trying to get him to pronounce things correc

It reminded me of the Simpsons and Rainer Wolfcastle, who annunciates "Up and At Them" instead of saying "Up and Atom" when he is playing Radioactive Man. 

Wolfcastle as a Schwarzenegger rip-off, and Schwarzenegger doing a Radioactive man nod. Truly meta, in all circles all around, and very funny to all of us. 

Then, Geoff says "Is that guy from New England, is that why this is funny?" And Doug and I were pulled up shocked on this.

"No, honey, that's Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is from Austria. He was a body builder, is an actor, and was the Governor of California of all things." 

I took a beat. "Do you not know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is? Like, legit not know who that man is?" 

"Well," says Geoff, "I know the name but I have never seen any of his movies."


How did we fail this child? We've never shown him any of these movies? Terminator? Conan the Barbarian? True Lies? Running Man? Kindergarten Cop? Total Recall? Twins! Wow. 

We may have to have a fest. Doug will go on binges, he's in the middle of a Walter Matthau one. Lots of Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder classics. 

Anyway. Busy work day and at 6pm I hadn't run to the market, Doug was napping, so I basically just ordered a mess of chinese food and we had at it. Will do better tomorrow. 

digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. No dedicated 10. no real exercise. 5k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 180
5pm: 160
11pm: 201


coffee, water
11:45am: salad, started out as BLT with butter lettuce, cherry tomatoes, 3 pieces of bacon but I blew that away by adding a tiny bit of goat cheese crumbles, avocado, red onion.
noon: metformin
7pm: chinese food fest. lots of bad things. Metformin+jardiance

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