Friday, February 02, 2024

The Week Ends

This week was super busy. At work this morning one of my colleagues asked me "do you have a list of XYZ" and I said "oh no, I knew this day would come."

Part of my job is I set up content shares between our clients, and I have not done a very good job of tracking what I've set up. So today, someone needed that. I spent 2 hours pulling together as much as I could, and gave it to her by noon saying "there is honestly so much more."

150 lines of spreadsheet later (though 20 of those are separating sections and notes) I still have so much to do. I may have to plod through it over the weekend at some point. 

And it is honestly too bad football season is "over" except for the Super Bowl because one of my mad skills is sitting here doing work things while watching/ish a game that I'm not really invested in. Oh well. 

This weekend I was/am supposed to go decorate cookies with Sara and Henry for his birthday. I didn't bake cookies and Sara had a very rough work week. I'm not sure if we are getting together tomorrow or not? I may bake sugar cookies tomorrow morning, and they keep for WEEKS so even if we reschedule, well, they are done. And we can do them next week. 

Sunday is Plant Swap day at one of the breweries in DC and we have not gone for a super long time, so maybe? Maybe. Perhaps maybe. 

Today there was no good walk like yesterday. 

All I know is I'm so thankful to not have to set my alarm for tomorrow. I can just ... wake up when I do. And here's to that. 

No picture. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. no Dedicated 10. no 2k before noon. 5200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 173
5pm: 163 
10pm: 221


coffee, water 
noon: metformin; English muffin w/pb & bonnie
2:45pm: last of the chicken fajitas made into chicken salad
6pm: metformin+jardiance
6:45pm: chinese food. lots of fried rice. spring roll, curry egg roll, pork+garlic, general gao's chicken, peking ravioli. 

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