Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Trash Panda

First, a moment of silence. A long time ago Doug bought a little 4 piece set of cheese spready knife dealies of these wee hula girls. We have two left but today, we have one. 

I encourage my family to not put utensils in the right side of the sink, because that's where the dish disposal is. Well. Today I broke my own rule and ended up destroying one. 

RIP cute hula girl spready knife dealie. You were good with my peanut butter and apple snacks. 

On my walk last night, I passed a trash barrel with an interesting feature. There was a tall wooden carved raccoon sticking out of the top. 



An actual Trash Panda

I pulled it out and carried its heavy ass home. 

Now, I'm not usually the one in our family picking stuff out of other people's trash barrels. Doug is. Doug is the king of side of the road trash discoveries. We have bookcases, and a Stickley Chair (we think it is real, not a fake/copy) so maybe Stickley style. There are no stickers on it so we don't know if it is authentic but it looks it. 

Anyway, Doug finds stuff, Doug brings stuff home. We decide if it is decent. We either keep it or trash it after second thoughts. 

But this time, I couldn't walk past a tall raccoon statue and not bring him home. 

He has pants on, yo. And his tail is super cute. 

In order to take some pictures of him this morning, Iput him on the back patio table. This scared my dog out of her fucking MIND when she came around the corner. I knew she'd be a little astonished but did NOT expect an outright panic. 

And of course, I laughed.

So he needs an identity and a permanent spot. I want to get the back patio fun-ready after spending a little time out there with the fire pit the other day. 

The Raccoon will be a welcome buddy. Here are some pictures. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. Dedicated 10 in the house while cooking dinner/Doug went to pick up the car. Extra 15 min pokemon walk. 7300+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 136
4:30pm: 164
10pm: 150


coffee, water
11:30: grilled swiss, roast beef, red pepper hummus on the 15 grain bread. Metformin
1:30: apple w/pb
3pm: celery stick w/pb
6:30pm: chicken fajita mess & topings, in a bowl, no fajita wrap, avocado. Metformin+jardiance
8pm: pretzels. red wine

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