Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Sunday Funday blog post

I fell asleep last night an finish the cookie day entry. You can read that here. If so inclined.

Doug and I watched a really dumb movie after I got home called Spaghettiman. It was awful, but had its moments, and could have been so much better with some snappier dialog and a better ending. At about 11 I realized I didn't blog, and didn't have the energy to do anything outside of brush the teeth and hit the sheets. 

Did the same sleep in thing this morning as yesterday and woke up after 10am. 

Toffee initially woke me up at 7:30 and Doug had gone into the guest room sometime in the night and closed the door so she wouldn't follow him. 

After waking me up, she heard him and went to get him rustling about and went to find him. He took care of her morning needs. I went back to sleep and didn't even hear Geoff leave to go to work. Deep sleep for another couple hours.

When I did get up, super exciting. We sat quietly together, drank coffee and I had a couple of my oatmeal cookies with the giant pecan center.

I thought the cookies looked like eyes and made myself giggle.

Toffee sat here obsessed with the Roku screensaver so I got her picture. 

Please do ignore the past-their-prime poinsettias and my lap desk akimbo on the table. 

Last night Doug moved it because it was wilding hour with the dog after she had dinner so he didn't want the dog to whack my laptop and send it absolutely airborne.

Very glad we do not have downstairs neighbors as the noise and energy would make people batty.

I chatted with Linda a bit about spring travel plans and shenanigans. I still have to book the Brooklyn hotel and we have to figure out Linda's home trip after the Boston Guster show since I'll have the car, she won't.  

Doug took a big nap and then while I was cleaning up the kitchen and doing yet another load of dishes he asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I passed and continued to do some cleaning. 

I started to put Christmas away, finally, by bringing things down to the storage room. I have a couple boxes I want to sort and repackage, but didn't get to it. 

For dinner I didn't have a lot of ideas but he suggested we get takeout from the Greek Cafe in downtown. So I went with him, he double parked while I ran in. Easy peasy. 

And yeah. That was the excitement for sunday. 

Digits below. 

Sunday digits 

exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 9am - slept in. Dedicated 20. 5100 steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10:15am: 173
5pm: 156
10pm: 197


coffee, water
10:30am: 2 oatmeal cookies
11:30am: turkey and havarti on 647 bread w/mayo
6pm: gyro and spanikopita. Metformin+jardiance
red wine+gingerale
7-8pm: 4 more oatmeal cookies

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