Wednesday, February 21, 2024

On Call

Everyone on my team has to do an on call shift for a week. There are six of us, and one of us is leaving. It isn't bad being on call but I sometimes forget I am on call. And I go out in the world and get an emergency page from a station. 

Without my laptop on hand. Unable to look at anything to help. Once we were at a cidery in the middle of nowhere, shocked that my phone rang and I called the guy back to find out "the problem went away by itself." 

Awesome. Wonderful. And thank goodness because wow. I'm 90 minutes from my house and literally cannae help ye, brother. 

I was on call last week and got an emergency page during business hours, which always cracks me up. Like, dude. Submit a ticket and also the thing you are having a hard time with is not an actual Emergency as defined. Is your website down? No? Not an emergency. etc. 

I helped the guy, educated him, and at the end of the call I just had to laugh. It monkey wrenched my afternoon. I was in the middle of house walking and got interrupted. 

With one person leaving, we'll drop a week and have a 5 week cycle. At one point there were eight of us so we'd be on call once a week for every other month, which was super nice. We also cover for each other. So if you're going on vacation, someone will swap coverage for a day or the whole shift if needed. Our team is very kind to each other. I appreciate that. 

I went off call this morning at 8am. And even though we do not get nearly the amount of Emergency Pages we used to get, back in 2014-2019.... when we hosted streaming services and our content management system was failing regularly, it still brings to me a sigh of joy when I get the text letting me know I'm off call. 

I need to go look at the schedule for when I'm seeing Guster at the end of March, and when my dad's cemetery service is at the end of April.

Not much else going on. 

Here's a picture of Toffee being a weirdo. She drags herself around on her belly, legs stretched out behind her, tail wagging. She looks like a bear rug or a spatchcocked chicken or turkey. She arches her back like a yoga pose, and you can see her tail is wagging and she is just ready for fun. silly beast. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  dedicated 10+2, walk to the Pokegym; 6k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 140
4:20pm: 121 (tested 2x just to make sure it was actually that good...)
10pm: 123


coffee, water
9:15am: 2 oatmeal cookies (the last of them!)
1pm: metformin; large salad, bacon, cucumber, tomatoes, spinach, mayo (blt plus)
6:30pm: baked chicken breast stuffed with spinach & feta, marinated in olive oil, lemon, yogurt
vodka tonic

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