Saturday, March 11, 2023

An interstitial dream post

Writing down the dream I had between 8am and 10am on 3/11/2023, for ... posterity. 

This time, office buildings, elevators, beaches, cousins, cars, and a celebrity chauffeur. 

It was an office building, not my office, but an office building. I got onto the elevator, and it was skipping floors. I got in expecting  to go up it eventually went down to the main level. I wanted to stay on the elevator after I realized they never stopped at the floor I wanted. But they made me get off, and get in line behind everyone who had been waiting in the lobby to go up. I did so without an argument. 

I wanted to go to the seventh floor of the building to the apartment of one of the security guys (like, security and other staff all live in the building, huh). I heard he was having a baby. He himself, not that he was being a dad. He was pregnant. I had diapers, gift cards, and wanted to give him my love.  He cried and was appreciative, and promised to be in touch with me if he needed anything. I walked down the hall, to a staircase that went out to the waterfront. 

My cousins Bill and Joey were out there waiting for me, mad that I was late. We were going to kayak off a dock and they were reminding me we didn't have a lot of time, I had to get to the airport, but we had time for a kayak I guess (how come? In my mind I'd take these two to a pub on the way to the airport to bend an arm for a while, but, kayak. Okay). 

It was a very active dock, lots of coming and going. I pondered the safety of the launch where we were, but they said this is where you go. There was a boat lift in the water, like you'd see where a very large boat would be pulled straight up to go into dry dock or onto a trailer. We got our kayaks in the water, and a friend of mine from growing up named Jon was also in a kayak, doing a safety check on the lift. They dropped a boat right on top of him. He went under, and I had a walkie talkie to call for help (of course I did!). And the pregnant security guy came to help. He jumped in the water, and Joey and Bill made me paddle to the shore to get out of the way. I was very concerned about Jon, so I went back, as he was going up the same stairs I came down, like to his apartment. I called his name, he didn't want to turn around but I yelled at him to come back. 

He did, and we had a big hug and cry. Security guy was right with us, and ushered Jon upstairs after we were done. 

I paddled to catch up to where Joey and Bill, they were mad at me for vanishing again, because time was short. There was a driver waiting to take us to the airport. Turns out he was actor Kevin Hart. And it was a bad ass 70s Chevy. alright. cool. Kevin Hart is driving us to the airport. 

He was on a tear about traffic and getting around town. There was a trash truck blocking the road at one point so he got the car up on 2 wheels (driver's side) screaming at the top of his lungs that he better not hurt his cousin's ride. 

Turns out his cousin is the security guy at the building, so we were excited to learn of our mutual acquaintance. 

We managed to get past the truck, miraculously, turned a corner around a bend and there was a store front that said it was a comic book store, 70% off going out of business sale. Bill and Joey were all "Oh! Let's stop here!" I reminded them that they gave me grief about trying to find out what was happening with my friend almost getting killed but they wanted... comics? They pooh poohed me, said we had plenty of time. So we went in. 

Only it wasn't a comic store - it was a lot of antiques/junk booths, with creepy dolls and bad furniture. Kevin Hart was all mad about the inventory being shitty and yelling at the ladies who ran the place that it was deceptive to put that sign out there. 

I walked out the back, there was a loading dock that went to a parking lot, and the beach was right there. There was a beach volleyball game happening, and some other shenanigans. My sister was there and had her arms and legs down in a hole, she was face down with her chin resting on a sand pile, her back/torso exposed. A bunch of people were like that, and I walked over to find out the story. 

It was a radio show promotion/competition to see who could last longest to win 25,000 dollars. She was laughing at how stupid she was for doing this and she just wanted to leave, but she'd put in so much time. I told her to get the fuck up, come with me, Bill, and Joey, get driven to the airport by Kevin Hart. It would be much more fun. Fuck the 25k. 

So she got up with some help, a few people cheered because now there was one more person gone and their chances were better. She had a crazy sunburn on her back, and was very thirsty. 

Kevin Hart welcomed her to our merry car, gave her some bottled water, and we started to go to the airport again. 

We got stuck in traffic, and he said "Chris I'm never going to be able to get you to the airport. You should change your flight. Can you change your flight?" I was already on the app making changes and got a night time flight, and pointed to a bar where we should go, have some drinks. 

The plan that I had at the start, to go to a bar with my cousins, instead of kayaking and shit. 

The End.

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