Saturday, March 04, 2023

Seize the Afternoon or Not

Doug is negative for covid but says he still feels like ass. He took some extra strength ibuprofen and went to nap. Dog went with. 

"I may not be a Seize the Day guy, but I might be Seize the Afternoon," said he as going into the bedroom.

In the meantime, I started to chef up french onion soup but found a couple obstacles. I had started the dishwasher and realized the knife I like to use on the onions, and both cutting boards are in there. Oh well. I did get the dutch oven pot out, and all the other ingredients, and that was ready to go. I could have used a plate and different knife but. Meh. I know what I like to use. Use the tools you love.

We needed good melty cheese, and a loaf of french bread for garlic croutons. He headed out to the market without any persuasion on my part. I think he loves the french onion soup I make. 

One ingredient he could not get was apple cider. I like to throw a solid cup in there, and we had a container but it had gone around the bend. I didn't want to poison us. So that went down the drain. 

So he got some white wine. Gotta put a splash of that in there instead, eh?  Or a splash in me? Who knows!

Both he and Doug recently bought big stupid bags of onions at the store, and the recipes we've made this week each called for 2 or 3 onions total. So. One bag, in full, earmarked for soup! 

Before it turns 90 degrees up in here every day, we make our soups.

Tomorrow there are two events on the docket, one mandatory, one a possibility. My buddy Henry (the cookie decorator) just turned 8, and his party is tomorrow. I don't have a gift or anything for him, yet. I was going to go out yesterday and get bloodwork done, and swing by the store, but failed. To be honest, I don't even have ideas, so a visa gift card and a nice card from Target on the way to the fete tomorrow will be on my agenda. 

Doug will probably not want to go, knowing Doug. But, he may want to go to event the second. Plant swap at the brewery in DC is tomorrow from 1-5. I've gotten to know the person/beertender who organizes the events, and she's a super plant mom. We've gotten to be friendly on the twitters and instagrams. I commented that I'm out of pots and she said she has TONS for me to pick from. She'll hold them aside. 

"Well then. I will take you up on that and buy beer and leave you a sick tip!"

To my husband's chagrin, the man who yelled about how did all these plants get here, well this is where. and how. But if a beer is involved he may be happy for it. 

We'll see what tomorrow is like, as today is not seized. 

I realize now that I'm coming up on 2 more weekends before the Guster weekends, so that's short time for fun at home! I hope Doug feels better soon. Gotta get some fun in together! 

Here's a picture of soup. My favorite part is when I overlay the cheese so it drips off the side and kind of caramelizes a little onto the crock. It's kind of the best.


exercise: 11/12 hours of steps (missed 9am, woke up at 10:03)
Dedicated 10+15 (at least, I may have miscounted) walking the house while Doug was out walking, and I'm reducing onions... good use of time!

blood glucose:
10am: 165
5pm: 154
11pm: 179

coffee, water
11am: 2 baby bell cheeses
12 noon: metformin, Roast beef & hummus on small carb balance wrap
6:30pm: crock of french onion soup, 1 crouton in the soup, one next to the soup, melted cheese. Metformin+jardiance. white wine
7ish pm: another crock of french onion soup, no melted cheese, slice of french bread w/butter 

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