Sunday, March 19, 2023

Out to Loudoun County

This morning we were sitting around doing our Sunday morning nothings. I was just about to go into the kitchen and start cleaning since my sister is coming tomorrow, and Doug said "I know what I want to do today." 

Oh. Oh really. Alright. What do you want to do today that is not very important home based chores?

He wanted to go to a brewery in Loudoun County, VA. This is about an hour from our house. We don't usually head out to that neck of the woods, but this brewery in question has oysters every weekend, and he really wanted to go check it out. We reached out to M&M but they had plans, so we headed out all together, Geoff and Phineas included.

We left around 11:30 and a solid hour of travel later, we arrived. As advertised, oysters, and a shrimp boil, and there was BBQ and pizza too. We stuffed our faces and drank several beers. This brewery location is huge, a giant farm, and you could have all kinds of different events going on, and parties, and everything. Dogs were welcome, and I counted - I petted 11 dogs. Phineas was visited by small children and some really cute girls who came to talk to him and Geoff. 

Phin is a chick magnet. 

After 3 beers it was decided we should leave. Doug said that if he had more we'd be staying there all day and I'd have to be the driver home. I was ready to leave, thus limiting my intake of beer, even if it was truly a fantastic place to be hanging out. When you're trying not to lose your life to carbs, hanging at a brewery is a touch difficult! 

Second part of our journey out was a stop at the Georges Mill Goat Farm to get some goat cheese, and it is baby goat season. You need tickets to enter the baby goat area, but, one can indeed stand on the exterior of the fence and pat the baby goats for free. 

Inside the enclosure there were a couple of families with little kids all having the time of their lives with the wee baby goats. But several of the baby goats were not into playing, and were snuggled up against the fence, where I got to pet them, without tickets or fuss. And it was delightful. 

All told, a nice trip out into the world, and I was happy for Geoff and Phin to join us, too.

Here is a baby goat, and Doug with three different beers.


exercise: x/12 250 steps; 

blood glucose:
9am: 160
5pm: 216
10pm: 181

coffee, water
10am: 2 good yogurt, meyer lemon
11am: fajita chicken salad, metformin
1pm: several boiled shrimp, 2 slices of bar pizza, 3 beers
4pm: chicken sandwich from burger king (lettuce, tomato, am. cheese, no top bun - gave it to the dog); onion rings; coke zero 
5pm: protein shake
7pm: cheddar cheese, mixed nuts; metformin+jardiance

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