Saturday, June 08, 2024

All Day

The forecast today was no joke. No humidity (what?) and it was going to be in the low 80s, beautifully designed for being outside. 

I goofed around this morning on the phone until the battery needed charged. I loaded the dishwasher and ran it, and went out to see if things forecasted were true. 

Oh. Yes.

Yes they were. How amazing. 

The plants on the porch needed to be watered so I got the big assed watering can out. Toffee ran all around the yard, people were out walking. Everyone was happy. 

Oh bliss. 

I started the watering process around 12:45pm, and sat out until about 8pm when hockey started. If we had a working fire pit, I would probably have stayed out there for hours longer. 

We took our party out back and I filled the watering can with the hose to do the back yard plants. Everything was looking a bit droopy even though we have had some good rain lately. I deadheaded the things that needed groomed, watered and revived the blooms. Toffee ran around some more, and the temperature was just right for enjoying the patio. All. Day. Doug and I talked about going somewhere, but he came out here to sit with me and found his groove. You can day drink on the patio, just as well as at a brewery somewhere. Today was made for this.

I joke around and say there are maybe 5 days a year that the patio (or any outdoor locations) feel comfortable to be out in or at, and I'm only partially joking. If you've read my blog for any longer than a minute, the 7 years we've been in the DC area I've done nothing but whine about the heat and humidity. 

Not today. 

Damn. Today was good

Texted with Aaron, chatted with RCJ and her boy who says I'm his best friend (of course I am), and a couple other messages back and forth with folks. I sat reading Josh Ritter's book "The Great Glorious Goddamn Of It All," which I bought sometime last year and didn't really dedicate time to read it. Flying to and from Vegas got me back into it and today I just couldn't put it down. I have a hard time getting into reading anymore, and if you know me at all I've always been a voracious consumer of print. But yeah. I get distracted, or tired. I fall asleep a lot while reading. So for a book to grab me by the nostrils and pull me in, it's a good one. 

And I streamed Guster's new album "Ooh La La" and played it through the JBL speaker - it sounds so pretty. It really does. I'm not 100% on board with it, but there are a couple standouts that really hit me hard. The most "confessional" songwriting I've heard come out of Ryan, about his kids, his wife, life and everything. The most meaningful of the songs is "All Day," what with our recent marking of our wedding anniversary. 

I know I tell everyone to listen to Guster and everyone has got to be sick to death of me by now. but just ... take a minute and watch this lyric video. 

It's just like I told you, forever I'll hold you.... We've got all day. All day.

I asked him to grab me a seltzer from the kitchen while I was sitting out here reading. He got a glass of ice, pulled a sprig of mint out of the pot and pinched it, dropped it in. He poured the can into the glass and set it on the table for me, kissed me on the forehead, and said "did you ever imagine your life would be this great?"

To be honest... "it's been half our lives and it's made me great..." to take from the song. 

More than half our lives, to be honest.

What a great day, folks. A great day. 

I hope yours was great to the extent a day can be great wherever you are in the journeys. 

Maybe it was not. 

And this post is not some sort of humble brag about how wonderful our relationship is. I'm just saying, the weather was amazing. And if that's all today brought you, then that's a great day too. 

Digits below. Toffee enjoys being under the table while we chill. Phineas had no tolerance for patio shenanigans so Toffee brings her joy to summer.


exercise: 11/12 hours.  slept through 9am. Somehow managed a 17min movement streak that FB counted as exercise so I'll take it! 5200+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 169
4:30pm: 141
10pm: 123

12:30pm: 2 slices of toasted 647 bread w/peanut butter; metformin
4:30pm: 2 cheeseburgers w/ a little macaroni salad
2 truly seltzers
6:15pm: metformin+jardiance
2 truly seltzers
10pm: ritz crackers and portwine spready cheese

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