Saturday, June 29, 2024

Seven Year Olds are Fun

My work bestie's boy is about to turn 7. And we were invited to his birthday party. There were five other kids there from his class. 10 were invited but not everyone came. My friend was stressed about this because pulling together a nice party for a 7 year old is sometimes hard. 

But by the time the party happened, he was fine. He did say "Is auntie Christine coming, because that'll make everything right." No skipping out on this for us. I mean, the disappointment that he'd feel. I couldn't live with myself. It's funny that two young humans value me in such great regard. And I them. 

The party was at the Irvine Nature Center, which was a lovely place to visit. And a great place for a party!

There were turtle races, a snake, all kinds of critters on display and shown by the nature center instructor who was the sweetest girl ever. We all took a nice hike and she showed the boys different features, and the raptor building where we met the owls, the vulture, the hawks, the giant raven. 

My work bestie does not want having her son's pictures on the internet so I can't post them. But it was a delightful and wonderful day. I was worried about the weather, forecast was for 90+ and thunderstorms. But it all worked out great. 

His friends were so cute and sweet. One boy told me that he just had his birthday and he got a "Lego Fellalli" which I figured out was a Ferrari. And he told me "when I was young..." which made me laugh because, oh honey, you are young. He asked me if I knew where his dad was, I didn't know his dad, so I said 'did he fly to Mars?' and the young man looked at me and said, 'no, silly. He's right over there,' pointing to a man sitting at a table across from us by himself, playing with his phone. 

Oh. okay cool. Hey dad. He waved. There were two other boys I was sitting with at the same time and they just told me so much stuff, about their lives and Minecraft and things they love to do, and how this was a lot of fun. 

I find I can sit and talk to small people all day.

We were trying to decide what to do next after the party, my bestie stated they really needed to do errands and were focused on getting things done at home. Doug and I were north of Baltimore... let's find something fun to do. 

We ended up at the Ministry of Brewing. It had been on our periphery as a destination to hit, but we usually end up at Max's in Fells Point or another such spot when we go into Baltimore. But we were looking for something new that probably wouldn't be hard to get parking near.  Easy peasy,  It is a former church, very cool space. Wonderful beers, friendly staff. There was a guy playing guitar and singing, but he didn't know any Guster. Shockingly based on all the songs he was playing. 

At about 3:30 we decided it was time to head home. It was the wise thing to do because we could have sat there for hours and had more beers. But it's a long ride home. 

We both took giant naps. Busy day of nature stuff and beers. 

Because I honor my friend's request of no pictures of her boy, here's a picture of inside the Ministry of Brewing. We'll be back, I am sure. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Took a nap and missed 5pm. Short lovely hike around the nature center. 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 181
n/a - took a nap and forgot to take a reading
10pm: 141


11am: small bag of funyuns (as good as i remember). Birthday cupcake. bag of crunchy cheetos. metformin
1pm: 3 beers, bratwurst w/onions and peppers, mustard, brioche bun,  2 pieces of a crab quesadilla (split with Doug), salty sweet cashews
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance. bowl of chili w/shredded cheese and fritos

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