Wednesday, June 19, 2024

So what did you do with your day off, Chris?

I did nothing, yinz. 

Toffee and I sat on the couch, played games on my phone (well, I played games on my phone), and we didn't do anything fun or interesting. I did some hotel research for Maine. I emailed a tentative itinerary to Linda and Ginger. 

Around 4pm I filled the watering can and took care of the flowers out back and out front. Toffee is fascinated by the hose. She doesn't like to be sprayed with it, but ... it sure is interesting. 

I did sit outside with some wine for a while when Geoff was cooking, and it was not horrible hot. During the day it was, but by 6pm it was mighty okay. Want you to be proud of me.

And that's it.

Didn't go to the gym (but walked a lot in the house), didn't fold that laundry. Thought about baking cookies. But yeah. Nope. Nothing.

Doug talked to his aunt today and it sounds like he's going over there on Saturday to help with some things. We stopped trying to help because it never mattered how much we did, it just didn't get better. But it sounds like the courts are coming after her. He connected her with an elder law attorney in her county and she said they were not helpful. And they wanted money. So she thinks people should just help her because she's old and poor. She also thinks the dentist is a money grubbing monster because he won't work on her teeth unless she pays. And she's mad at Verizon because they want money. 

Anywhooooo. yeah. That is a thing happening. He said "you are invited to join me," and I know I'll go but I don't want to. 

"If there is a beer and buffalo wings stop on the way home I'll go. But I won't like it," I replied. 

Here are a couple pictures from the day. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 20 min walk (plus another about 12 min walk that my fitbit didn't measure for some reason?); 7k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 150
4:45pm: 179
10pm: 138

11:45am: small bowl of mac&cheese w/bacon; metformin
1:30: bowl of homemade chicken salad, no nuts or grapes. we didn't have any.
6:30pm: Chicken Amaretto, a recipe Geoff found in a cookbook. giant piece of chicken coated in bread crumbs and grilled, in a mushroom, tomato, garlic sauce with crushed cashews. Red wine. metformin+jardiance

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