Friday, June 14, 2024

Quiet Friday

Today I had no meetings except our team meeting. I didn't shower.  Kind of regretted it because. That's not my normal M.O. 

But I was not motivated. Some days I am just not. And I feel like the two days in the office were Extra. 

Daily, though... I need to look like a decent human. And even for myself I need to make that effort. It's not like Doug who can go 10 days without putting himself in the shower, and he looks fine. Absolutely Fine. After 24 hours I do not look fine - I look a mess. So I need to take that shower before noon to get that going. But when I don't have meetings with clients in the day... well I'm just not motivated. 

It was a long week.

I think I'm going to buy a boho headband of some sort for days like this, My hair looks like shit around my forehead and face, but fine out and about my head. But maybe that's a bad idea because I'll be encouraged to just headband my hair and be "feh" about things.

I just had a haircut in April but feel like I should get another one. I hate my hair right now. But. When I shower it is fine. It is fine. It is good it is fine. It's fine.

I didn't get together last night with my colleague in town from the midwest, and I really regret that. I wish I'd encouraged him to come up here because he could be the first coworker to meet my dog. But the metro was not helpful to our thinking of plans. We will aim for the next time he's here. It'll be a super fun time. 

He called me from the airport with some really funny anecdotes about yesterday and last night, so we at least had some laughs from his experiences. Still. I told him I felt like the world's worst ass friend being so close and not rescuing him from boredom. He said he also felt bad for not sucking it up and getting an Uber or something. All told, we can't change the past, right?

Geoff had today off today because he's working all weekend. There are only 3 people on his team right now so they're getting rotated into the weekends more frequently. He went to Target and bought a bunch of stuff, so it was nice to have him handy like he used to be when he didn't have a job. 

If you're reading this, and you are the praying type, please pray for him to get some motivation to ... do more something. We're happy having him here and we love him, but I feel like he could be achieving more. Recall my entry in 2023 about Cheese Sandwiches

Basically. Hmmm. He can/should be taking classes in the fall but so far has not made an effort to enroll in the Associates Program and continue his degree. He also just seems to be comfortable or "okay" with the fact he is technically a part time employee, and does his job and things are good. But he has not looked for a full-time position to further his career, or even looked for advancement at this hospital. Um. Since they are down a person, is there an open position he can apply for maybe? Hmmm.

So I'm hoping he'll get motivated and ready. We've talked to him about it. Encouraged him. He gives us a blank stare. 

A couple years ago he wanted 100% to GTFO here and go find an apartment somewhere else, but we explained to him he needed to wait, earn money, and get his degree and stuff. But now he has his Certificate and is making money but.... isn't motivated to do more just yet. 

Please send him some energy and mojo for going to the next step. I do love having him here willing to go to Target or the Beer Store or whatever. But. you know. It's time, you know. It's time. 

Y'all know. I know y'all know.

I got an invitation to do something rather unexpected this weekend, so I am going to hold the writeup until then but I'm kind of psyched. I'll keep my mouth shut. hahahhaa. 

You'll get a surprise tomorrow. 

Until then, here's my dog, holding me hostage today while I was trying to work. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 16 min. inside walk. 6k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:15am: 163
5am: 155
10:45pm: 144

noon: metformin
2pm: 2 large celery sticks w/peanut butter
7pm: 2 knackwurst with a lot of macaroni salad; white wine
8pm: Meformin+jardiance

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