Tuesday, June 04, 2024

In the Office

I had to go to the office today. We got home so late last night, I had absolute regret about agreeing to help with a thing in person at work today and tomorrow. Why am I so helpful? Why can't I be one of those people who just avoids assisting others. 

Well. Ya know. It's just what I do. 

I got up, showered, had a cup of coffee, and asked if Doug would drive me to the train as I was running late. I had found out the first meeting was at 10am, and I'd be lucky to get there on time. So he drove me down. I wondered why the parking lot was full of buses. Fancy buses. I thought "huh. Maybe there's a protest or something downtown and all of the people chartered buses and now the buses sit here and wait."

But no.

The metro is closed for the summer while they do some stupid work to it. And your girl completely forgot this was happening. Fuck. What to do. What .... to do.  I told Doug I'd take the shuttle and it "wouldn't be too bad." 

Insert narrator voice "It was that bad."

I got here just before noon. It took over 90 minutes to get to the metro station that was open to continue the journey, and then I had to ride that for 3 stops to get to my office. 

Sonofabitch. I .... hate this. Absolutely hate it. There was this woman sitting behind me talking on speakerphone the entire way. And she and the other woman were just talking nonsense about this meeting and "this is our time to shine and we know it" and "we'll manifest our greatness" oh my god please stop talking like this. No one should ever talk like this. 

I was full of rage. I didn't have my headphones because they are in my backpack at home. I put my laptop and charger into a new bag this morning. I was suffering this fool woman and her "you got this" cheerleader person the whole way. 

Part of me was just wishing that when she does this presentation it is an absolute failure. 

I was feeling that mean, friends. You're going to talk for 2 hours about raggedy nonsense. I'm sorry, that's mean. But shut up on the bus. 

I got to the office where I no longer have an assigned desk. If you don't come in regularly, it is a "hot desk" situation where you find an open desk and sit down. I missed the 10am meeting and then we got together at 12:30 to do a final walkthrough. I am facilitating a presentation tomorrow (oh God) and they want me to run it off my laptop (oh God). Okay. I can do this. 

Maybe I need that pep talk lady from the phone to psych me up to get through the whatever I'll have to do. 

I had two calls with stations scheduled this afternoon and went to a cute little sound controlled booth they have on our floor now. It's like a phone booth, maybe a little bigger. Soundproof and private, and it was nice to be in there for the calls. 

Time to head home, I was dreading the shuttle buses. It was about 1/2 hour less than the way in, which was a relief. Doug got me at the metro so I wouldn't have to walk the 3/4 of a mile home. Exhausted. 4 hours of sleep. Nearly 4 hours on shuttle buses. Bah. 

A coworker of mine is picking me up at 7am tomorrow. We both have to be in early for the big meetings thing. And she drives every day so she offered to bring me. Bless her so hard. Except I have to be up by 6:15 in order to be actually ready. So that stinks. Still, super thankful.

I put my picture up high today. Digits are below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 15 min. walk from work to the metro. 8500+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 163
7:15pm: 143
10:15pm: 174

1pm: metformin, Roast beef and cheddar on multigrain seeded bread w/ltm & red onion
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance, 4 sausages, macaroni salad (lots)
8:15pm: ramekin of smartfood
white wine

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