Thursday, June 06, 2024

Thursday Tired day

 All day today I just felt wiped out. Travel and then office... I never remember feeling this horrid after travel and work. So thankful today is Thursday. Hoping a good night's sleep will make for a better Friday. I have a 10am meeting tomorrow that I'm the facilitator for so I have to actually get up and shower. I showered this afternoon for a 3pm meeting. All day I thought a shower might wake me up and energize me but I basically just needed a nap. Which I took. 

I started a different entry but want that to be a stand alone. It'll be a fictional story about something we found in Vegas. Will get that pulled together tomorrow. 

I sometimes start posts in the morning, and then work gets super busy and I don't get to follow through. Then my chain of thoughts fails and I don't remember what I wanted to write. So my little fiction post had to be abandoned today since it wasn't ready and I needed to get something for the daily to go. 

Here's a picture of Toffee. She was asleep under my lap desk, and I had to get up so I disturbed her. She is so cute. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 5pm because I took a nap. 17 minute walk inside the house while walking plants back and forth to the sink for watering (smart). 5k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 168
n/a pm: forgot to take reading after waking up from nap and ate dinner. oops
10pm: 179

10:45am: small amount of mac & cheese w/2 sausages
11am: Metformin
2pm: apple w/pb
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; kielbasa and 4 pierogis

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