Thursday, June 13, 2024

Twofer Entry

It still fascinates me. 

I didn't have time to take a picture during the work day yesterday, with all the goings on, but I should have made the effort to step out of the office, turn left, look down the street, snap a shot, come back.  

There is a really cool straight shot view all the way to the Capitol building. From the office or when sitting in traffic, not moving, I really should take a picture sometime.

That's a real place and a real thing and my office is a half mile from it, and it's just mind blowing. I work there. In that city. Well, unless I'm working here on my couch, ya know? It's a real place and big things happen there. 

Just kind of stunning to stop and think about it sometimes. 

Yesterday was a blur of meetings and sessions, helping people, chatting. I left the house before 7:30 and was at the lobby before 8:15 when I was supposed to be. Felt good to be on time. Also felt good to be there in the building so incredibly early to enjoy the bright open space on a lovely sunny day. It was a hugely long day with first sessions starting at 9, escorting tour groups around the building and to look at all the stuff, and the last session ending at 6:30. 

At about 4:30 one of my colleagues came over and said "let's bail at 5 and go get a beer." I was completely game. 

Four of us went over and sat, just our immediate team members, away from the building and clients and people. Just having time like we used to do, back in the day.

Another team had the same idea, but gathered to hang out on the building's patio because the weather was so perfect. They were flooding Slack with fun pictures, and while I greatly enjoyed out little team gathering, I miss those other guys and would have appreciated being invited to the hang. 

We've all gotten out of social practice.

We talked about a bunch of actual work stuff and then non-work stuff. One colleague had traveled down from Connecticut so it was fun to spend time with her in person for the first time in a long time. 

Another is thinking of selling his condo in DC and moving to Minneapolis. He can probably rent his condo for more than twice what his mortgage is, and then make bank. Maybe. Rentals in the Minneapolis area are super affordable, and on a a DC Salary he could live like a damn hell ass king. 

Another just relocated to DC and talked about how his new place is right on the Pride parade route, and he just sat with friends and watched instead of going down and participating like he would have if he was just visiting, or if he was in his home city. He said it was all a little weird to not be in but an observer. Like a tourist to his own culture.

The brewery filled up rapidly and there were people there from the conference, so folks chatted us up. I was feeling super tired so it was time to go. My Connecticut colleague walked me back to the car and I got home in no time, just after 8pm. Just like Tuesday. Only far more exhausted.

Today I opted to stay home. My foot is killing me, and my doctor believes (without seeing me but reading an email where I describe what I've got going on) I have plantar fasciitis. She prescribed a bunch of stretches and exercises to do. 

A colleague told me to find a good massage therapist because the problem is in my calf and hamstring, not my foot. "You can roll a frozen orange under your foot all you want but the issue has to be addressed in your leg." 

Here's me looking for a local massage therapist to help. 

It's nice being at home where I can go water the plants or make toast for myself whenever I want. The only large immovable monolith in my life is my dog when she's taking up my seat on the couch. I showered before an 11am meeting. I get a lot of things done through the day. It is nice to be well rested. 

Also I got a phone call at like 2pm from my buddy Rob, who I don't think I've talked to since March maybe. Being able to just chat while he's driving 2 hours to get to a thing in the middle of the day is nice. 

Late in the day one of my good good buddies who was in town from the Midwest messaged me to see what I was doing. I told him basically he was welcome here, if he could make his way here, via Uber because yeah - thanks Metro. We chatted back and forth a little and didn't come up with a plan. I dozed a bit and Doug's mom called to talk about us coming during July 4th time. So now I'm asking for those days off. I think that's our next heavy sigh adventure.

Wednesday digits

exercise: 10/12 hours. Missed 2 hours in listening sessions/presentations. 30 min. walk from the office to the brewery. 9400+ steps (if I didn't miss those 2 hours, i would have killed 10k) 

blood glucose:

6:30am: 146
10pm: 196

between 8 and 9: several little breakfast baked goodies
10am: metformin and protein shake; 
12:45: chicken, some quinoa, sauteed veg, hummus
1:30pm: some strips of steak and a little more hummus
6:30pm: a couple beers, 6 wonderful chicken fingers

Thursday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours. 18 minute indoor walk between some meetings. 6300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 163
5pm: 165
11pm: 205

10:30am: small bowl of mac&cheese w/bacon
11am: metformin
1pm: slice of apple pie; protein shake (the apple pie was not that good. sadly. not worth it).
6pm: small bowl of pasta w/sausage sauce; red wine
7pm: Metformin+jardiance
8pm: ramekin of pretzels

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