Thursday, June 27, 2024

More Bird Talk

This seems to be the time of year. 

Eastern facing window, sunrise shining on the glass. Birds impacting the glass. Boom! 

This morning we had two. Toffee and I were fast asleep at about 8am, and one hit. A second right behind. Oh dear. I put on shorts and flip flops, went out to check. Both had gotten up and moved along, probably with the cartoon swirlies and maybe even tiny birds circling their little heads. We had another hit the living room around 11am while I was in a meeting. 

When we moved into the house, probably were here just a couple months, one hit the bedroom window and cracked it. Now that I think of it, I had emailed the property manager at the time, and she never mailed me back. I should make sure I have that email for when we move out in case this is ever questioned. 

It is the angle of the sun, the glass. We didn't have this problem in the last house because the living room faced west and we had the nice porch to shade the glass. 

Linda and C both had birdie stories for me tonight. C had one in her porch (hashtag porchlife!) and Linda told me the story of a tiny baby bird that fell out of its nest that Ronnie saved and placed back up in the nest. Ronnie's prime directive is a little different than Doug's, I think. Doug would probably let nature be nature and let the baby bird pass, because that's what would happen if we weren't sitting right there. 

Doug took Toffee for a walk today after he was done working, so I got dinner ready and walked in the house. He said he met a neighbor up the street with a 6 month old pittie that looked exactly like Toffee. They just moved into the neighborhood and I'm going to walk up the street and give them my cel number and invite them to come play. Doug said Toffee was very sweet and they got along well. So yes. Please come be our friends, and our neighbor. We love you.

After dinner, I had a nice chat with Linda tonight before my laptop battery was ready to die. The patio was PERFECT and it was nice to sit out there while grilling and chatting. We watched the presidential debate but I'm disgusted with both of these jagoffs, and I am just absolutely unhappy that these two men are the "best" either party can offer. 

In hockey, you change the line. Change the line, America.

Anyway, I got a bunch of extra work done while the debate was debating, and that was good. So looking forward to it being Friday and the weekend, and hoping for a very quiet week next. We're going to see Doug's mom on Wednesday, Geoff is staying home with Toffee, as he has to work. 

Anyway. Here's a picture of Toffee, where I was trying to get a shot of her sleeping in a wacky pretzel twisted position but she woke up and was amazed. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Somehow missed 9am even though I was outside walking around, checking flowers, doing all the things. Broke my streak! 23 min. indoor walk. 7k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 179
4:45pm: 159
10:30pm: 111


11:30am: english muffin with pb and apricot bonnie mamans
1pm: apple w/pb
2pm: metformin
6:30pm: grilled chicken breast, broccoli based microwave stir fry w/soy sauce & butter; red wine
7pm: metformin+jardiance

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