Monday, June 10, 2024

More Patio Day

At about 4pm I made meatballs from scratch. They went into the oven, wine went into my glass, and I went out to the patio.

Doug came with, it being another one of those amazing days weather wise. Geoff got home from work and made the pasta to go with the amazing meatballs which were simmering in the sauce. 

I was hoping for leftovers, but that didn't happen. 

When dinner was ready, we sat inside to eat, but at about 7pm I said I wasn't going to lose the last of the perfect weather before I have to go back to the office for two days, so I went back out.

 Someone was weed whacking, and everyone was putting their trash out for tomorrow morning's collection. Geoff came out to put everything out to the curb, and we sat and chatted a bit about his day. I talked to my colleague Brendo on the phone for a while. He just flew into town for the work events happening this week. He was off to take a walk around the national mall. I wished him well. 

My neighbor John said hi to me as he was putting his trash out. We both commented on the beautiful night. "I hope you have a cocktail," he said to me and I lifted the wine glass and he laughed. 

It was time for hockey, I went back in. Lots of bug bites, so I'm going to swim in Cortisone 10 tonight, I guess. 

Nothing else really to report. Oh - I did say I was going to take a picture of the table/stand Doug got from someone's trash so. Here you go. 

Cross your fingers for me. I'm actually driving in tomorrow. Ugh.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 24 min inside walk; 7k+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 163
4:30pm: 133
11:30pm: 152 (left hand was 135 but right was 152. more believable w/pasta dinner?)

noon-ish: metformin; bowl of salad w/can of tuna and mayo
6:30pm: very small plate of pasta, 5 homemade meatballs and sauce; metformin+jardiance; red wine
9pm: about 10 ritz crackers w/peanut butter

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