Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Two Hours In 20 Minutes Out

I only managed to hit snooze 4 times this morning and then got up mostly because I had to pee. Please be proud of me. Today I didn't need to be in first thing but made it in time for a 9:30am team meeting.  Again. Be proud of me.

It was so strange being back in the office, breathing the same air with 10 different people from all over the country. Most of my morning was spent hanging out with Brendo while we both worked a little while many people came to talk to us.

We have a lovely new administrative assistant for my team and I spent some time with her today which was a lot of fun.  I didn't attend all the sessions. I wanted to, my heart was just not in it. I sat in the lobby and answered helpdesk tickets and talked to clients. I guess I missed a lot, things got heated in the afternoon session. But that's not where I feel I do my best, I do my best when I'm in one on one chats in the lobby. And tomorrow will be more of that.

This morning took quite a while to get in but I was home in 20. That's more like it. 9 miles. It shouldn't take two hours. On the way home I chatted with Jess. Today is their birthday. I miss them. I wish they were here. But I would have missed the entire day being at the office so it's alright to be without them.

Alright. Off to bed. I took pictures today but can't post them because people have nametags on. Will respect their privacy. 

Digits down there.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no dedicated 10, surprisingly. 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

6:45am: 249 (???)
n/apm: forgot to take a 4:30-5pm reading because of being surrounded by everyone
10pm: 180

12pm: metformin; turkey and cheese croissant; lots of salad
6pm: 3 turkey meatballs, some hummus, cucumbers, 2 beers metformin+jardiance
8pm: red wine, several slices of turkey and 2 slices of muenster

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