Wednesday, June 05, 2024

In The Office Again

My colleague picked me up at 7, right on time. I was up, showered, dressed, ready, even dried my hair, by 6:30. Proud of myself for seeing that side of a hour. No one had to wait for anyone. She got to meet my dog, who was extra enthusiastic this morning and a little big and overwhelming.

Her: How much does your dog weigh?
Me: about 60 pounds?
Her: that's 20 pounds more than my kid.

We made it to the office around 8:15 and I went straight to the conference and she went straight to her desk for zoom meetings. So thankful for my colleague who gave me a ride. We had a wonderful chat going in and coming back. She's actually looking for another job, and I'll be so absolutely sad if she leaves because she's an absolute joy. But I have to say ... honey you deserve more and better and I wish you joy if that comes in the form of another job. Someone's gain would be my personal loss.

Facilitating the session went well, and the other session I attended was super great. 

My boss was there too, we haven't seen each other in a really long time. He brought me a jar of Gustard from the Burlington airport.  Which I thought was just so sweet. "I saw this, and I thought 'she already has this...' but..."

Everything was excellent today. And I like the office. I like going to the office. I like seeing colleagues. One said to me "I come in three days a week, it's so dead here. Do you think you'll come in more frequently? It'd be nice to have you here." 

But I don't like getting there and getting home. It was so nice talking to colleagues and clients, and sitting in really wonderfully thought out presentations, but I'm just as happy at home. Not wasting 90 minutes of 2 hours each way to get in and out of the office. Also, I got nothing done while I was there today and my feet are swollen from being in dress shoes and sitting on chairs. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow and working and taking care of things quietly and here at my house. In my yoga pants.

I've got to go to the office again for more event things two or three times next week. I'll literally have gone in more than I've been in four years. 

I can't believe I used to do this all the time. Every day. It's literally exhausting. Thank God I don't have to do it every day or hardly at all.

She dropped me off at 6:30 and she still had 25 minutes to get home to her own home and family. Doug was finishing the dinner prep, I got a big ass glass of wine, my dog went bananas because I was home so we had some cuddle time, and the yoga pants got put back on. 

Oh. And I had a very generous slice of birthday cake today. One of my colleagues had her birthday, and didn't think anyone knew. Hard to get anything past some of my fellow co-conspiritors. I normally would have had the courage to look the other way but they put the cake right into my hands and...well.  It was delicious. I mean. C'mon. 

Digits below cake. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 5pm due to being stuck in traffic. no dedicated 10, but lots of time on my feet. 7k steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

6:30am: 184
6:pm: 253 (birthday caaaake)
11pm: 155

7am: pbj on 647 white
9:30am: small croissant
1pm: 3 slices of roasted chicken, arugula, chickpeas, tzatziki; metformin
3:30pm: slice of birthday cake (oof) 
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; bowl of spaghetti w/meat sauce; white wine
9pm: protein shake

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