Monday, June 17, 2024

Awkward Moments

A couple weird things happened at work today. I called out an oversight which kind of mortified and embarrassed the person who made the oversight, and she was very very apologetic. To the point where I wanted her to stop apologizing. It is a no harm/no foul situation. We're fine. She wanted to send me a card and asked for my address. 


No, you're honestly going too too far. Not only did I forgive you when you apologized over and over and just let it go, now you want to send me an I'm So Sorry card. There's no need. You are never going to have another coworker who is as laid back about stuff as I am. No card please. 

More apologies. Apologies for wanting to send me a card.

I swear if I open the door tomorrow and there is a bouquet of flowers I'm going to be feeling a certain way. 

All told, I think she understands I don't need a card or more apologies. 

Later in the day, I was helping a client with something and she was incredibly upset and confused about the thing she had to do and on the verge of tears. 

She'd submitted a helpdesk ticket and another one of my teammates had taken it, but they gave her the wrong instructions. That was a week or so ago, and today was the deadline for her to do what she needed to do and here the instructions weren't working. So she slacked me to ask for help. 

We got on a zoom call with two other people in another department at our company who asked her to do this thing and she was still so confused. 

Taking a wild guess, I figured out what needed done, and we did the thing. 

I said "we can always undo this if we are wrong," and then I committed the change. It worked. We cheered. The other two people from my company left the call and I didn't click "leave meeting" just yet. I sat there and I looked at her. 

She burst into tears. the On The Verge Of Tears changed to actual factual weeping. I told her it was all going to be alright, and we did the big thing that needed to be done that no one knew how to do (I guessed. Flat out guessed) and she told me how thankful she was. She was under so much stress to get this done, and with the incorrect instructions (she sent me the documentation and they were indeed wrong so we're fixing the documentation). 

She told me she was so thankful I was there. She was still crying and wiping her face with the sleeves of her sweater. "I don't know what I would have done if I didn't reach out to you." She thanked me (not repeatedly or overwhelmingly, thankfully) and before I hung up the zoom call I said "I love you."

I told a client.... "I love you." and then I felt like a weirdo. Sheeeeeeesh Chris, you don't tell people at work "I love you."


But why not?

I feel like we need to do that once in a while.And right then she needed to know she is loved. I'm sure there was pressure from above at her office, I'm sure that she was flat out frustrated with my colleagues, she's a wonderful person. She deserves to know she's loved.

I slacked her and said "okay so I don't usually say I love you at the end of a zoom call... I'm sorry if that was weird and awkward but I feel like you needed to know that in the moment. You're an amazing person and you are doing so much and so good, I'm proud of you and proud of working with you."

She slacked me back and thanked me and I had hit the leave meeting button and she was in the middle of saying "I love you" back to me. 

"Let me say it loud and clear, I love you! You've been such a champion for me all these years." 

So that didn't end on as horribly awkward a note. I felt nice about it. 

To close out today's entry, here's a picture from the NJ Turnpike just north of the Delaware Bridge. You don't see a giant stuffed bison on the back of a pickup truck going 70+ miles an hour. And why yes, I did put it on Instagram and tag them. I won't win anything but, I follow instructions if nothing else.

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 19 min. inside walk, 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 155
4:15pm: 139
10:30pm: 159

12:15pm: grilled turkey & muenster on 647 bread
1pm: metformin
2:15pm: apple w/pb
6pm: 2 cheeseburgers, no buns, homemade coleslaw 
6:45pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: large slice of cheese danish
red wine

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