Sunday, June 23, 2024

Boy in the Big City

Geoff bought tickets to a concert tonight. The show was supposed to be at one location, easy out and in close to our house. But it got moved to downtown DC. With 4 of our metro stations closed up this way, we had to conspire for the best route for him to go. 

We thought about driving him down, dropping him off, going somewhere, and he could Uber home. Or, he could go to our metro station, take the shuttle to the stop that is open, and ride the metro from there. There's a metro station right by the venue. But. I'm unsure of the frequency of the shuttle at night, even though the trains run until 1am... what if there are no frequent shuttle buses and he has to sit there and sit there and sit there and wait. That metro station isn't known for its super safety. I didn't want him just sitting there at midnight, waiting. 


Part of me wanted him to sell the ticket, or reach out to the venue to say that he couldn't make it to the new venue location, and that it wasn't awesome of them to do that, can he have his money back please or something. But no. I put that aside, there's no way the venue would do that. I let him make the decision.

Lately, I'm literally the most anxious about things I should not be anxious about. I know for a fact everything will work out okay and right. He is a grown ass man. He can figure this out. But I was completely pissed about the venue move, honestly, ridiculous. And now we have to figure out the logistics.


He left early, and drove to the first stop of the metro line that was open, and made it down. Texted me that arrived at the venue, ate dinner because he was there plenty early, and went to hang by the river since this venue is at the Wharf. The plan is not to get drunk, or drink too much, to stay hydrated and safe, and enjoy the pit, and come home. 

And... Hopefully not get knocked out in the pit, which is what happened to him once when he went to a show in Baltimore. 

Here's a picture of Toffee and a ball she eviscerated this afternoon. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 27 min. inside walk. 6500+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:15am: 147
5:45pm: 123
10:45pm: 143


noon: bowl of greek yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, small bit of splenda; metformin
6:15pm: chocolate donut from entenmann's; bowl of left over chicken, couscous, and salad w/ dollop of hummus
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
7pm: a few pretzels and hummus
red wine + ginger ale

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