Tuesday, June 18, 2024

An Unexpected Holiday

I realized I have tomorrow off. My company observes Juneteenth, which is awesome. This afternoon I looked at my schedule, and was surprised nothing was on the docket for tomorrow. Then I realized what was up. Yaaaas. 

I'm all for recognizing the important date, the historical moment, the liberation and emancipation of all. But I'm also not going to lie to you, friends, and say after the past couple days, Only two days, I'm tired of this week. So very nice. 

What are my plans? I'll drink coffee on the patio before it gets too hot. I'll water the plants. I'll go to the gym. I've reached out to a guy who has wood for sale and a woman giving away her fire pit. I'll go to the grocery store and get stuff for dinner. I've got a lot of laundry that needs to be folded (it never ends). I have to commit to and plan our August trip. I have my Wednesday night lined up for the ride north with S&S and Henry and I'm in charge of hotel and picking our halfway stopping point for the night... 

I need a hotel in Portland after that. Not sure if I'm solo on Thursday or if Lin and Gingee are there Thursday. They need to decide, so I can't book anything for Thursday just yet. It'll all come together very quickly.

And I will basically just not work. 

Not. Work. 

Doug has to work, so he's a little jelly, but. Sorry. Join a progressive company, I guess. 

Geoff has the day off but he had it off anyway since he worked this past weekend. 

He had a really hard day at work. He's fucked up a couple of lab orders recently and he was written up for it, and fucked up again today. So he thinks he is going to be fired. I told him I doubt they will fire him, since there are only three of them right now. They need him. So I encouraged him to talk to his boss and see if he can get some extra guidance or mentoring. This hospital brags on their mentoring program. Where's his mentor?  

He is not a good self-advocate, and he gets really down on himself. 

We've been encouraging him to enroll in school for the fall, and he can either work this job if it fits in his academic schedule or resign, do his school work, and apply for another job there in the future when he has his Associates. He has seemed reluctant to do that, to quit the job, but I feel like yeah - get back in school. Now's the time. 

I wish he took my advice. He's not good at taking anyone's advice.

So with him having tomorrow off too, he can maybe help me run these errands fire pit related, we'll spend some time together. We'll talk. 

Pray for him. Hold him in your thoughts. Send him mojo. Whatever positive reinforcement things you do.

Here's Toffee with her octopus. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 23 min. indoor walk. 7300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 153
forgot afternoon reading, I was doing a walk and then got email.
10:30pm: 175

noon: ramekin of chicken salad; metformin
1pm: piece of cheese danish
6:30pm: 3 frozen burritos w/melted cheese, refried beans, sour cream, salsa. Metformin+jardiance. 3 beers

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