Monday, June 24, 2024

Bobrovsky Was Robbed

Geoff got home a little before 1 am, I think. At least that's when my fitbit said I went to sleep. And I did see him when he came in because the doggie doorbell went off when he came in the front door, and she went on RooRooRoo! high alert!

I told my work bestie that I don't like momming all over it. But I don't know. my anxiety over him going by himself to the city, to a semi-touristy and semi-unsafe area (tourists = targets) the aloneness of it was worrisome. Downtown in our town is equally super dangerous - but I didn't have a problem with that because he'd be 3 miles away instead of 11 with multiple transportation factors. 

He said he had a great time. He met and chatted with one person. Geoff was wearing a band t-shirt for Not The Band he was seeing [which is what you do when you're not a Guster or Grateful Dead fan] and a guy came up to talk to him about how he used to use their music for getting pumped up before wrestling matches and the rest of the team hated it. He left before the end of the show to make sure he got a train. He highly recommends the venue. I asked if there was a pit and he said no, "it was mostly people standing and vibing to the music." 

So I should listen to this music you stand and vibe to and see what it is all about. 

I was very tired this morning because 1am. My alarm went off at 8. Doug and the dog had already gotten up, and she came back to bed with me and was completely curled up behind my legs and I didn't want to move. Snooze, Snooze, Snooze. Finally I got up because I had to pee. 

At about 9:30am I went out and watered the plants. It was about 20 degrees cooler at that time than it was the past couple of days, still hot. But. Notably more comfortable. Toffee helped me patrol the perimeter, water the things, and if I didn't have to work sitting at the patio table would have been nice. My laptop overheats on the patio table so I won't do that again. Lesson learned, twice. Ha. 

It was a busy day. I have to remember to do my anti-harassment training, which my friend and I call "harassment training" because we said that mistakenly once years ago so it is still funny to us. 

I'm kind of annoyed because the training has not changed in 3 years. Same modules, same videos, same everything. Boring. 

Anyway. Just watched the Stanley Cup final and I'm disappointed that the Oilers lost but Connor McDavid still won the Conn Smythe. I mean. Bobrovsky owned them in goal for the vast majority of the series. And he owned everyone in goal. That stupid team rode on his shoulders. He should have won. So I say Boooooo. 

Alright - no picture today, too busy.  Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 22min inside walk; 7k by bedtime.

blood glucose:

9am: 155
5pm: 132
10:30pm: 121


coffee/water/iced tea
10:45am: apple w/pb; metformin
6pm: 2 pork chops, some smashed potatoes, coleslaw
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance

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