Sunday, June 02, 2024

Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart - Dead and Company, The Sphere June 1, 2024

The Dead and Company at the Sphere in Vegas. Wow. What ... I mean holy shit what did we just see? I don't want to post too many pictures because I hate the idea of ruining everything for someone yet to see this. I don't want to put things on social media, I just want people to go see the Dead and Company at the Sphere in Las Vegas. Here's the setlist from last night

Some things I will highlight while my mind is still processing the event. 

The Sphere is sick. Just amazing. If you go, don't buy tickets on the 2nd level where you are under the overhang for level 3. You won't see anything. Floor/GA may be fun but you're not going to see as much of the images I don't think. We sat in section 405, Doug did some due diligence, said there is a tic tac toe of 9 sections you want to be in. He chose one. He did good. We weren't in the exact center but it was great. 

I felt like I went to the greatest planetarium laser show I've ever seen. 

We know U2 did this, and Phish came along and blew everyone's minds. Naturally Dead and Company bring the right music and energy. Doug and I were talking about other bands that could pull this off. Would love to know what you think. My sister said Peter Gabriel, and yes. I agree. I suggested Iron Maiden, Metallica... maybe The Killers. But who would you think could bring that level of visuals, music, experience together. 

John Mayer is legit one of the most amazing musicians alive today. Sounds like Jerry's playing style, brings his great voice to the songs. Amazing. I told Doug it's like if Jerry wasn't high most of the time, he could have sounded like this but probably not. Mayer is just an absolute monster. There are threads upon threads on the internet of people calling him out for being a douchebag and a shitty human being. I think while he's on stage performing, we can forget the 12 year age gap between him and TS and just let him be appreciated for his musicianship. If you don't know anything about that, google it and listen to her song "Dear John" and his response "Paper Doll." I'll just leave that there.

Watching Bob Weir and John Mayer together, I have to wonder what their personal relationship is like. They were fantastic together. Bob's voice doesn't quite hold up compared to the early years, obviously. But He's like your coolest grandpa just out there living his most excellent rock and roll life. And Mayer just pairs with him like a fine wine. It felt like a privilege to see them together.

Mickey Hart is still there beating the shit out of drums and making amazing sounds, with his percussion partner Jay Lane. A lot of people get up and leave during his big drum and Space set, go to the bathroom, get another beer. At this venue though, the visual effects combined with the vibrating seats was worth staying put for. I feel bad for anyone who opted to do the traditional step out because they can still hear the solo. You missed the everything else. 

Otiel Burbridge and Jeff Chimenti are two members of the band I was not familiar with before reading up on the team. What a pleasure it was to watch both of them. Otiel plays a 6-string bass which I've never seen before. It was such an amazing sound. Jeff on the keys looks like a very young very cool Rick Wakeman, moving back and forth between the instruments that bring the sound, including the Hammond B3 organ once played by Brent Mydland back in the day. 

Just amazing. They're all so musically advanced and skilled, that at times this was not like you were listening to some rando jam band, but fully versed and perfected artists at the top of their game. 

More about Vegas tomorrow (today!)  but for right now, here's a picture. I gotta get ready for Sunday Shenanigans. Digits below.

Saturday digits 

exercise: 12/12 hours.  4 walks of at least 50 min each. Ouch. 23,000+steps by the time midnight came around. Would have hit 25k if we didn't stop at walgreens for some libations. 

blood glucose:

8am: 163
5pm: 124
1am Sunday: 197

12:30pm: patty melt, small ramekin of mac & cheese, onion rings, metformin
5pm: slice of pizza in the casino
2 beers with lunch, one tall boy of High Noon walking back from the concert

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