Sunday, June 16, 2024

Guster at the Bearsville Theater, Woodstock NY

When we had to find a pet sitter for Miss Toffee Dog, a friend suggested I reach out to a fellow Guster fan who recently moved to the area. She enthusiastically agreed. What a gift she was and is. 

On Friday morning she asked me if I would like to accompany her to Woodstock NY for a Guster show. Her husband couldn't make it, but, she still wanted to go. 

Doug had his usual "Knock yourself out, kid" attitude and so I agreed to go. I got a colleague at work to cover my on call shift for a while for when I knew I'd be unable to respond, and signed up for the trip.

Saturday morning I headed up to her house north of Baltimore and we did the trek to the Catskills. The Bearsville Theater is a newly restored listening room with a hell of a lineup this year. And two nights of Guster. Friends were there on Friday night, and the room, the space, the whole thing of it just looked great. I was truly looking forward to this, even though I didn't plan on attending in any way. 

It took about 5.5 hours from her house, 90 min. from my house, so it is technically far away. But. Once you're there, it is just perfect as heck. 

Our friend set up a meet and greet and no one came. but so many fans were milling around. This venue has a restaurant (the Cantina) an ice cream parlor, a huge outdoor chill space, a tavern, everything you'd want in a rock show compound. 

We arrived at about 6:30 to hang with him. He's truly lovely and I'm happy we had this time together without so many people and a meet and greet. 

At the table near us, there were 3 Gusters chilling and eating dinner. I said to my fellow fans "I'm going to be that guy." 

"What guy, are you going to go talk to them?"

"Hell no. They're eating and deserve quiet time together. I'm paying for their dinner." Both R and D laughed and I got the waitress. I told her that when those 3 are done - please give me their tab. I'm paying for it. 

She was confused. No seriously, honey. I'm buying that table dinner.

"All the things or just the beers?" 

"No, all the things." 

When it was time to pay up, she told them I was buying dinner. Luke got up from the table and was like "WHAT! NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT!"  I just sat there grinning and said "you're about to rock our faces off for 2 hours, you deserve a gift of a beer and burrito." 

He stuck his hand out to shake my hand and said "Hi, I'm Luke," and I smiled, "Yeah I know. Of course you are." 

We then got to chatting, and Adam and Dave were chatting with R & D and others, and I got a selfie with Luke, which I've been wanting forever. I've gotten time with everyone else in the band but him over the past several years. And here all I had to do was buy him a burrito and a beer. 

I love this picture because R & D are in the back photobombing. I couldn't crop them out. Too stinking cute. 

I thought I was smiling bigger but, I think I was tired from many car hours. But. LUUUUUUUUKE! So happy to have a little time with him. 

Meet your heroes and buy them dinner. 

They had to go get ready for the show, and we made our way in. My friend Jeff from High School's older sister Amy was at the show too - she had messaged me on Instagram to say she was going and I told her so was I. So we made a point of connecting. 

I do not remember her at all from high school, but she remembers me. And of course I knew Jeff well back in the day, and since moving here to Maryland he's been a great connection.  So having her there too was nice. We had seats in the balcony and she had a GA ticket, so we had beers, she went to the floor and we went up top. 

D is a taper, he records shows so it's kind of cool. There were two people sitting between R and me and D, so they were happy to swap spots and D could sit with us. The show was wonderful. The venue is AMAZING. So small and intimate, I could see people on the floor that I knew. I texted my friend A and said "Hi. Look up at the balcony," so he did, and lost his mind. 

Because I was not supposed to be there, this was a big surprise and he was thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. At intermission we were able to connect and hug and scream and just be so happy together. 

So, aside from all the loves and friends and fantastic humans, how was the show? 

It was truly outstanding. When Guster plays 2 nights back to back they aim for no repeats. Here is the setlist for Saturday Night, and we were treated to a first playing of "When We Were Stars" from the new album, which they have not yet perfected but they nailed it. It was outstanding. 

When they were talking about playing it they thought about scrapping and doing something else. Luke interjected with "Guster can Do IT!" and everyone cheered, so they did it. 

I personally like to think the burrito and beer purchase fired this energy. I know it was just they did it because they could do it but. Yeah. Fired Up Luke was a delight to see.

What a special night and beautiful venue. I'm just floored that it is there, thankful for my friend reaching out to ask me if I wanted in. It'll be a month or so until I get to see Guster again, and for that I'm sad and pining and longing already. But last night in Woodstock NY makes me just want to go back to the Catskills, with or without a Guster show, for some mountains and some cool air. 

digits below this epic photo.

Sunday digits - skipping Saturday records

exercise: 7/12 hours. Lots of car time. 5k by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 188
10:30pm: 144

1pm: metformin; bowl of tuna salad w/pickles and lettuce from Subway on the Jersey Turnpike
7pm: metformin+jardiance; one large piece of country pork rib wrapped in a tortilla w/ homemade guacamole, cheese, sour cream
White Wine

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