Thursday, January 05, 2023

A Drier January

This time of year, everyone comes out of the gate hot with resolutions. One that has gained huge popularity is going a whole month without an alcoholic beverage "Dry January," is where we are now, but it seems that people do it a lot of other months in the year. "Sober October" is another, and they lost the marketing opportunity on that to go with "Sobertober" in my opinion. 

You can use it, go ahead. I won't charge you for copyright infringement. 

Geoff has done a couple of these month-long alcohol bypasses. January is his birthday month, and it's early in the month so he's done it where he stops drinking beer and bourbon the day after his birthday and uses the first week of February as that make up week. 

Time, it's a construct. Month. What's a month to you or anyone. Days of the week? Who knows. 

I personally think if you're going to pick a month, go with February in a non-leap year. 

Anyway, I find it difficult personally to go a whole month. I can do a week standing on my head but a month is a slog. 

So I'm doing "drier" stretches. It's January, for crying out loud. New Year's, Geoff's birthday, Doug's birthday. Saturdays. They're all mixed in that month! 

I'd like to keep track, so on the record, today is Thursday. The last alcohol I had was some beers on Sunday, January 1, while watching football. 

I'll indicate a little emoji in the food list on days when I do, that way I can track my not having a drink, and see how dry things are. High Desert? Sahara? slight Drought in the mid atlantic during the summer? I think we'll lean towards High Desert. 

so look for 🍻🍷🍸 symbols in the food list. I'll go back and edit Sunday. 

I think my goal, if we can call it that, is maybe if we go out on a Saturday or Sunday and find ourselves at a beerfooderie or foodrinkeie, there may be a glass. But on the whole, at home, resisting the after work dinner prep wine glass or watching football can. Also it's on my list to do to help see if it impacts my triglycerides count being stupid high when literally everything else is pretty good and on track. 

Someone asked me about the yoga progress, well I watched the first video and man I'm not sure I can do this. 

I'm behind, this is I think day 3 or 4. If I feel courage, I'll jump in somewhere. But right now, meh? Probably not gonna ... do it? Not sure. 

No pic today. 


exercise: fitbit was on the charger during the 9am hour so that messed me up. , and I have a couple hours with back to back meetings.  

Dedicated 10+12. walking inside the house while Doug was outside, and I was cooking dinner. Win win.

blood glucose:

9:15am: 171
5pm: 181
10pm: 171

coffee, water
10am: 2 celery sticks with peanut butter
12:30: 2 low carb wraps with bacon, avocado, shrimps, romaine lettuce. Metformin
6:30pm: ham and bean soup. Metformin+jardiance

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