Monday, January 23, 2023

One Two Three - It's Doug's Birthday

 Today is Doug's 55th birthday. 

He decided he wanted to go to a restaurant we went to  exactly 5 years ago.  He liked it but we have not been back since. You know, the pandemic got in the way and it is DC and parking is a pain. 

It's primarily an oyster restaurant, one of these "it's fancy but they make it look like it's not, but it's actually kinda fancy" joints. Not like the oyster house we have been to down in the Wharf which we really love but that's a chore to get to. 

I wanted to go out over the weekend, but he has a thing about going out on your actual birthday. Geoff had class tonight and missed out, which was my only complaint. G made mac and cheese for himself for dinner, and left for school. It stresses me out to put the dog in his kennel, but he went semi-willingly and we got out the door. 

Doug and I then ventured out to  his restaurant of choice. 

We scored a parking spot right out front which is unheard of.  The place was very full and I was afraid that we'd borked it by not making a reservation, it being DC and all. But they were able to seat us, thankfully. They asked us if there were any birthdays today (which I found a bit odd) but I pointed at Doug and said "yes." Doug wanted oysters and Mondays are half price, so he got a dozen and was very happy.

We had a wonderful dinner, and at the end they brought us two glasses of champagne and Doug ordered a hot apple crumble with cinnamon ice cream, and it was delightful. No singing, no nonsense, just kindness from the staff, and an extra big tip from me for those extras in the form of champagne glasses.

All told, great dinner, great night out. And a very happy birthday to my number one, my ride or die. Here's to all the future birthdays. 


exercise: 10 of 12 hours of 250 steps

blood glucose:
9:30am: 163
5pm: 160
10:00pm: 224

coffee, water
12:00: metformin. Ham, havarti, mayo, 647 wheat bread
6:30pm: grilled shrimp; beer (3 total 🍺🍺🍺) scallops over risotto with fancy sauce. some hot apple cobbler with cinnamon ice cream. Metformin+jardiance
9:30pm: babybel cheese, pepperoni slices

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