Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mother Of Spiders

The title isn't as bad as it sounds. I do not have millions of spiders, the arachnid kind. My spider plants are makin' babies! So many babies!!!

We're having a whole discussion on our work slack channel for plants/gardening and someone said she could not keep a spider plant alive. 

I told her I have the opposite situation. That's the only real success I have! My spider plants are prolific. In fact, the one that I culled 33 babies off of last year is now sprouting dozens more.

I pondered why a spider plant creates so many offspring. Am I under-watering so it is sending out babies? Is this just a thing it does?

My colleague said she can't keep them alive and was looking for advice. Someone said to fill her water container a day or two in advance and let the air get to the water and purify it. Someone else said they were watering too frequently. But she said she waters only 1x a wee.

I told her that if in the long run, should she kill her plant, let me know. I've got babies for days. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing "right" with that situation but. It is. I have so many. I am the Mother of Spiders. Hopefully she figures out what's up with the plant, but I told her ... I got babies for you. 

Anyway - overall, I had a kind of rough day. Something that should have been so easy turned out to be an absolute fail. I am expecting fallout from it. My colleague told me there was nothing I could do, this isn't on me. But you know me. I feel like I had everything in place, it should have worked and no. It did not. And so I take things personally.

"I'm not making a joke, you know me I take everything so personally..."
-Indigo Girls

Never has a song lyric resonated so strongly. 

So immediately after the thing failed, I had an appointment to take Phin to the vet for his well baby checkup. Instead I found myself sending out an almost tearful slack to the team about the fucked up thing, and asking my colleague to keep an eye on replies because ... vet. 

Luckily, well, so far, as of this writing,no one has flipped the motherfuck out and come at me. But. I kind of feel like it is inevitable tomorrow? My colleague and I had a huge long discussion about what didn't work, and he said repeatedly it was not my fault. But. I'm in charge. Then we talked about what's for dinner and I was making French Onion Soup so we had a good talk about dinner stuffs. It was 7pm. I told him to get lost. It would all work out in the end.

Behold. Spiders (and snakes!) That I'm the mother of! 


exercise: I missed out on 3 hours of the 12/12 of 250 steps. Meetings.

blood glucose:
9:30am: 166
4:30pm: 155
10pm: 201

coffee, water
12 noon: metformin
12:30: tuna w/mayo & diced onions mixed with romaine and cherry tomatoes
5pm: 🍷 (i've had a stupid day, so I broke my school night rule. Don't judge me.)
6pm-ish: triscuits+hummus while cooking
7pm: metformin+jardiance. French Onion soup w/ 1 garlic french bread crouton, swiss cheese
9:45pm: english muffin w/peanut butter & butter because still hungray.

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