Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How's This A Thing?


Look at that. It's not often that this happens. Empty. I had an empty schedule today. Wow.

I am usually 6 hours of meetings a day. But I knew something was weird when my daily alert didn't ding at 8:30am to tell me to look at the schedule in Slack. I slept straight through to about 9:15 or something, the dog woke up and I thought oh no. What If I overslept a meeting at 9. 

I opened the Outlook app on Slack and the reason why an alert didn't chime was, well, obvious. Then, I thought it was broken. We always have a 10:30am check-in with the team. Nope. That was canceled for today. Wild. Not even that happening.

So there I was, surrounded by no meetings. 

It's actually kind of good because we have a site launch happening next Tuesday and while the client thinks they're prepared, I'm discovering they are under prepared. Drastically. We had a meeting yesterday and she said she knows they have work to do but the thing she has to do is get everyone off of the old platform and force them into this one, because they are not doing the work. Fair. Good strategy. Take the crutch away and make them move forward. 

I have a feeling next week is going to be a challenge for us, and for her, because of her staff. They're probably all going to freak. 

I may have to have a training session for them, or a "Be calm, be brave, it'll be okay" meeting. 

It isn't like they produce a lot of content. But they have some strong feelings. 

I doubt I'll see another empty day like that screenshot above again for a long bit. 

So for today, focused on her, her site, their needs, what needs done to be launch read. I'm  thankful that we have a week to clean up. I'm thankful for this day with no meetings. 

In my heart of hearts also, I'm thinking of my father in law Gary, who went to college where they are based. In the meeting yesterday she had on a sweatshirt from the college, I think we have the same one somewhere. It was his, and Doug's mom gave it to Doug because she didn't have the heart to throw it away or donate it. So it's ours now. It actually also makes me think of my friend Rob's dad. "Mr. Buckeye" as Rob called him. And a different sweatshirt, as told of here

Anyway. It was a great day of no meetings. And I loved it. In other news... I put in for my vacation for March & April. 7 days total but it's approved and wonderful and I'm insanely happy. I just bought the plane tickets. Cannot wait. 

Oh, and here's the cleaned out junk drawer because I know all y'all are dying to see it! so empty! so light! 

Digits below.


Exercise: 12/12 of 250 steps. 

blood glucose:
9:15am: 177
5pm: 260
10pm: 129

coffee, water
12:30: metformin
1pm: protein shake
7pm: metformin+jardiance; 1 cheeseburger (2 slices of american cheese); salad (romaine, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, caesar dressing)
3 glasses of wine, 2 white 1 red. 🍷🍷🍷

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