Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Operation ATM

Forgot to post before bed on 1/16

We did nothing fun with our weekend, but Doug reminded me that we have Christmas checks to deposit. He wanted to go drop them in the ATM and take that stroll around our downtown. 

Geoff said "I think the lobby of the bank is only open when the bank is open. The ATM is locked when they're closed. 

Doug said "well that can't be right..." and looked it up online that it is a 24/7 lobby. 

He went to do something so I called Geoff over and asked if he noticed a slot by the door for your card, to unlock the door when the bank is not open. 

"I noticed it but I've never used it."

"Okay well then yes, the lobby is locked but your bank card is the key to get you in to the lobby when the bank is closed. That's what it is there for." Another thing that I swear I had no idea my kid didn't know about. How to go into the ATM when the bank is closed.

We talked about ATM and lobby etiquette. If someone is in the lobby using the ATM, do not enter until they are done (unless, the bank is open and you want to go to the counter). If you're in the lobby using the ATM after hours or on holidays, and someone enters, don't flip out, but acknowledge they are there, tell them you'll be done in a minute. 

I told him sometimes people come in because there are no laws or rules against them entering, and if it is a big enough space, don't get mad that they're in there with you - but also be aware of them, just in case. 

My mother lost her shit on a guy who entered the ATM lobby when she was banking one day, when it was a blizzard and snowing like a bitch out there. I told her "ma, he wasn't looking to rob you, he was cold. It was snowing. Get over yourself." 

She's a pill. 

So it was "Operation ATM," as Doug calls it. He calls things "Operation this that and the other thing..." all the time. He asked if he could call our trip out "Operation ATM" and I told him "you can call it whatever you want."

"That's no fun, you're supposed to get angry at me like Geoff and yell "Why's everything gotta be an operation can't we just do something without it being a mission?" Because if you tell me I can call it whatever I want, it's no fun anymore. I may stop doing it." 


We left and headed into downtown, parked in the garage and walked a few blocks to walk over and play Pokemon on the way. We got to our bank, Doug swiped his card in the thing and the door did not open. He tried again. And again. Then I noticed a sign in the window saying the ATM lobby was only open when the bank was open. 

Holy Crap. Geoff was right! 

He pulled up the URL on the sign to find the next closest location and walked back to our car. Our "town" is so big, we'd never been to this area before. Doug realized we were super close to a cool taproom and beer store he'd read about online, so we stopped in for a couple beers, had a wonderful chat with the owner, and enjoyed ourselves. 

I texted Geoff to let him know he was 100% right on the ATM situation, and let him know we were bringing beer back from their store, and Peruvian Chicken from the joint next door. 

Operation ATM .... what an adventure. Also, strong letter to follow to my bank that their WEBSITE says the LOBBY AND ATM are 24 hours. 


Digits below, per usual. 



blood glucose:
10:45am: 192
5pm: 224
11:30pm: 197

coffee, water
11:30am: pbj sammitch on 647 whole wheat bread. Metformin
3pm: 🍻🍻 buffalo wings
5:30pm: peruvian chicken, black beans, cilantro rice, lots and lots of spinach, ceviche (doug ate most of it)
2 chocolate chip cookies
6pm: metformin+jardiance
Football: 🍻🍻
8:15 2 babybel cheeses

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