Sunday, January 29, 2023

Never Trust a Fart

(forgot to post 1/28 before bed)

I don't know who reads this blog, and I honestly have no way to tell. I turned off anonymous posting of comments because I'd get 2 real comments and 20 spam. So hello, if you're reading this. I'm about to say something very uncomfortable. You can leave, I'm not offended.

This has not happened to me for a long time, maybe 2 years? I know I've mentioned it in the past.  But today, I pooped my pants. And it is not the first time.

Let's look back in time, shall we? 

Once, I believe I was pregnant with Geoff, I walked Jess out to the bus in the morning. Bus drove away, I turned and caught the sunlight in my face and had to sneeze. I pooped  my pants. I figured it was because I was pregnant, but I waddled my fat ass into the house, showered, threw my clothes in the laundry and decided to never think of it again. I was 29.

Once, DWG and I were driving in NH up a mountain or something in the late fall, like you do, to go look at vistas and stuff. Suddenly, I had to go. I had to go badly.  We were not going to make it to the top of the mountain, I expressed my panic and urgency to him. I think we were halfway up. So he pulled over, I ran into the woods and I didn't quite make it. I used my underpants, what parts of them I could, and cleaned myself up. He brought me some napkins and handi wipes that were tucked into the door of the jeep (wonderfully, thanks Past Me) and I got cleaned up relatively alright. Luckily my teva sandals did not take a hit, nor did my shorts. But. I didn't stink, and I buried my favorite pink underpants, the napkins, and handi wipes in a small hole I'd managed to dig with a stick, and rolled a log on top of them. 

Oh by the way - On that same trip, our jeep overheated before we got to the top. I think we were literally around the bend and one rise away. We pulled over at an overlook, pulled the camping chairs out of the back, opened the hood, sat and ate the apples and snacks I brought. We waited for it to cool down, and really nice people all stopped to ask if we needed any help. Doug waved and said "nah, this was a little too much on the old thing, so we're just waiting for it to cool off." Doug insisted on us making it to the top of the mountain because we had made it that far. So we did. And we hiked. And we had a lovely time. Then we rolled down the mountain letting the air cool the engine. We got to the ranger station at the gate right before they closed. Ranger guy helped Doug put more water in and measured things, and gave him a container of coolant, just in case. It was a chilly day and he told us probably as long as we were moving, not stuck in traffic, the air would cool everything and we'd be okay. He was right. We did have to stop for a while due to traffic, but Doug pulled into an ice cream place, I'll always remember because it was their last day. 

Once, or twice, working from home I have ignored my body's signals. Absolutely ignored my belly telling me "we gotta go." I just want to finish the email I'm working on, or, I'm in an actual meeting. I really should just tell the person I'm meeting with, I gotta go. And I actually have.

The past couple of weeks I've had some incredibly close calls. And I'm re-examining my diet. I think over the past few, I've not done enough fiber or leafy greens. So I'll be making adjustments. 

That said, I'll leave you with a thought from my friend's uncle. He was a Rabbi in Connecticut, exactly the most wonderful of people you could imagine. One day he told us, and mind you we were in high school "When you get to be over 50, never trust a fart." 

He was right. And I think of him any time I'm feeling trusting of what I think is gas, and I head to the bathroom. 

digits below. Tomorrow's entry which you'll also read today because I forgot to publish this Saturday, concerns going to a play. 


exercise 8 of 12 250 steps

blood glucose:
10:30am: 162
xpm --- we were at a play did not get a reading
10pm: 208

coffee, water
12:00: english muffin w/peanut butter; Metformin
6:30pm: salad w/shrimp/beers 🍻🍻
10pm: some slices of turkey 


  1. Eliz / Rockport12:32 PM

    Yeah. That struggle is VERY real. One time driving to Canada for a dog show, I think we just drove from one Hannaford's to the next, using bathrooms all along the way.

    1. C and I often note we know every good, clean restroom on any route.
