Saturday, April 22, 2023

Boxes of Bed

I was having a crazy dream this morning and the last thing I heard was my sister yelling "come on, I gotta get the keys to the boat."

Alright. That's something. I think I remember a lot of what was happening prior to that. I had taken her to see a high school production of King Lear, and our cousins were sitting behind us (Mike, David, Debbie) and Mike has a very distinct laugh. 

It is not a funny play.

At one point, Linda wanted to go to the snack bar, we discovered that they had wine in these really nice tall tumblers. Alright then. We're drinking wine, and Linda starts helping at the concession stand. 

I decided to make some phone calls, I don't remember who I called, but I wanted to give a friend condolences on the death of his father. His brother answered and told me it was impolite to call with condolences, I should have written a letter, or come in person. 

"Dude, you're 3000 miles away. I kind of ... can't?" So now I'm wondering who that would be. And then while I was arguing with him about not being there (and he wouldn't give the phone to my friend) that's when Linda told me about the keys to the boat. 

Geoff and Doug were in the living room talking, I heard Doug say "okay well before you go I need you to help me drag this box up off the porch so we can build the bed today. 

I looked at my watch and it was 8. Great. Time to get up, I guess. We've got a big day ahead.

Geoff was in his scrubs, so I asked Doug if he was going to school for some extra lab time. I guess yesterday he had a rough time with the woman supervising him. He wasn't doing something right so she got snappy. I figured that would be something he'd make use of when he can on Saturday. He's gone a few other times, so I wasn't surprised to see him up early and dressed.

On the subject of the woman giving him crap for not doing things perfectly on his Fourth day of clinical placement. I do not understand how you can put a student in a situation with people who don't mentor and guide the student... He doesn't need this. He said last week the guy he was with was so much better. I hope he's back Monday. Ugh. He said he handled it well, and hopes the other guy is back on Thursday.

But no, no extra lab stuff today. He was going down to work the open house. The same open house he went to last year that got him set on this path. He volunteered, and was hoping to talk to people who may need some extra guidance with learning disabilities to share his experience. His instructor and the woman running the program were thrilled he was willing, and talked to him about how things have gone for him so far. 

Three weeks. He's got to make it three more weeks. And pinning is May 11, graduation is May 15. And we're good. We are golden. He is good, he is golden. 

So Geoff headed out at 9 (open house starts at 11, it takes 1/2 hour to get to where he was going. If you hire this kid, folks, he will NEVER be late). 

Doug and I drank a little more coffee, and then we got to work. 

We disassembled the old bed, it is now standing in the dining room. The old mattress and the split box spring are propped up in the hallway blocking the guest room. The dog has been very confused. Where is my happy place going? What is happening? 

We swept and cleaned the immediate floor area (I wanted Doug to organize his piles of stuff that are along the wall and he yelled "NOW IS NOT THE TIME, WOMAN!" He then spilled my coffee all over the top of my bureau, so I had to stop progress and clean it up before it all ran into the drawers below. It's been on my project list for a while to get the bureau and small desk cleaned up, thought I would do it this winter but I didn't. I was too lazy. 

I had promised myself that I wouldn't let things get messy in this house, and on the whole I've done a good job. Kitchen is always clean, bathrooms too, and the living room is always passable if all it needs is a quick vacuum and table top clean. But bedrooms are not where people hang out. So that becomes kind of the dumping ground. Once this bed situation is all resolved, I'll tackle things. 

Just like the Little Projects of 2020. 

Doug bought an area rug and I kind of am unhappy about that. I do not like rugs on the whole, and he wanted one "so feets get cleanie before you get in beddie." We have a small throw rug on my side of the bed for Phin so he gets some traction for jumping. So it's a good thing on the whole, and this bed is much lower, so that will help him out more. 

The boxes weigh so much, and navigating them into the bedroom was a challenge. A couple of times we both got a little frustrated with the assembly of the bed because it felt like the holes and the connections were literally a FRACTION of a centimeter too far apart. Where you screw stuff in is so so close to the edges of things that you can't really get a screwdriver in place. I had looked at a platform that had wonderful dovetail connections and absolutely no hardware. I was regretting Doug's decision. 

It's also padded, all the way around. Like a hotel bed. Headboard is padded, footer is padded, side runners... padded. I'm not sure I like it. I thought we were getting just a platform, but Doug said this was a better deal, and he got to assemble it and think on his choice. I helped by holding some things in position, and hammering pieces so they got closer into the slots they needed to be in (using a towel to protect things. I'm smart like that). 

Doug got everything put together and then opening the box with the mattress in it was next. I have to say I'm kind of impressed with all of these new mattresses you buy online and stuff. We cut away the plastic, very carefully, and it started to expand. We could hear it hissing, and it looked like a mouth opening up, with two pillows build inside. "Oh! That's where the pillows are that I ordered!" Doug exclaimed. 

We put the mattress in its place, and put the mattress cover on. Noting that the instructions said it would take up to 2 hours to be ready, it was gently expanding and doing its thing. After an hour, Doug couldn't stand it anymore, and went to take a nap on it. I joined him after a bit. 

It's about 8 inches shorter than our last bed, which hopefully will be helpful for Phineas. I kind of liked being up a little higher but this is fine. Much better than mattress on the floor, which is how we were in our last house in MA because Doug didn't feel like building that bed. 

I took a couple pictures of the unboxing and assemblage. I want to take a finished picture in the morning, after I tidy up my bedside table. Can't have a picture of the bedside table looking a mess. 

The sheets are on, and I put a brown light blanket on it, for tonight. I want to shop for a lightweight summer comforter (C. Do not buy one for me! lol. I want to shop for one Doug and I agree on). The pillows it came with are firm and nice, We'll see how tonight goes. In the meantime, here's a picture of a confused dog on an area rug.

Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps;  took a nap during the 1 hour missed. No dedicated 10. Thunderstorms and bed building got in the way.

blood glucose:

8am: 171
5pm: 129
10pm: 180

coffee, water, sugar free ice tea
11:00am: 2 good yogurt
12:30: pbj (low sugar) on 647 italian bread; metformin
lost track of times, but, 2 baby bell cheeses, some triscuits, slices of pepperoni
6:30pm: 2 cluck pucks w/american cheese and mayo stacked on 1 onion roll. Several cherry tomatoes. Metformin+Jardiance
9:30: 2 baby bell cheeses, some pepperoni

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