Thursday, April 13, 2023


 The dog and I slept in the guest room last night. He got out of bed at 1, so I didn't want to disturb Doug by trying to get the wriggling monster back up into the family bed. We just went in the guest room where he can jump up easily. And I do believe I've said it before, that bed is more comfy. I prefer it and sleep better in it.

He was then up again at 2:30.  C'mon dude really?

And 5:45. I figured it was close enough to 6 that it was alright to feed him. I prefer if I can get him to wait until after 6am but, this was close enough. He ate and came back to bed for a few minutes, and then heard Geoff in the kitchen, so he went to investigate, see if there were opportunities in the food room. We have a sign on top of the dog food container that says "Dog Has Been Fed" so he doesn't get second breakfast, as the Hobbits say. 

I heard Geoff talking to him, and then Doug got up. And I tried to go back to sleep. 

Some mornings, I can. Today, not so much. 

I was out of bed at 6:45. I got coffee, went outside to the patio, perfect weather, coffee and phone games. Doug has a team call every other week on Thursdays at 7am, so he was in a shirt and tie (and PJ Pants) downstairs. The dog and I were just happy being out. 

Eventually, it was time to work so I went in and got my laptop. I had two zoom calls before 10. Met with my team at 10:30. The sun was moving into position to make it difficult for me to be out there. The leaves have not yet popped on the trees, so starting around 11, and running until about 5:45 it's too bright to be out there. I came inside. Sadly. 

After I finished working I decided to go outside with a glass of wine, even though the sun was still a bit of an issue. I settled in, and watched the carpenter bees that enjoy our deck stairs, and we fight with each year. Usually there are two or three. 

But ... there were dozens. And they all decided to attack me. Bombarding me, with angry buzzing, bip, bam. They don't sting (to my knowledge) but I got ganged up on, and I ran away. 

Doug will have to deal with them. But boy was I mad. I just wanted to hang. Bastards. 

Anyway. At least the morning was great. Evidence.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps; no dedicated 10

blood glucose:
7am: 171
5pm: 177
9:30pm: 139

coffee, water
8:30am: pbj on 647 wheat
12noon: last of the Doug cream of chicken soup, about a cup of peas thrown in for color; metformin
1pm: a couple handfuls of mixed nuts
5pm: more mixed nuts
6pm: metformin+jardiance
7:00: roast chicken and carrots, one small scoop of mashed potatoes. Gravy.
8:30: more roast chicken while putting it all away for soup stock later

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