Saturday, April 15, 2023

Yardwork and Beerwork

We had a really good thunderstorm roll through at 2am. I was the only one who caught it, both Geoff and Doug slept through it. 

Phineas snuggled close to me. We had the shade pulled up in the guest room, so watching and listening to the storm roll through with the Lore podcast gently under my pillow was about an hour of un-sleep. 

Phin was up again at 5 expecting breakfast. Ha. No. 

I let him out, went back to bed and he figured it out to follow me back, reluctantly. Sighing heavily and moaning on the bed, eventually he went back to sleep. He woke up at 7 when he heard Geoff in the kitchen and then he got his brekkie. I thought about being up for the day but slipped back into bed after I fed the dog, let him out, heard Geoff leave for the gym. I slept so deeply from that point to about 9:15. 

I do all my best sleeps after 7am. I should just never set an alarm and let myself wake up organically when I wake up. Set my work schedule to what I want. 

Saturday mornings are for Doug and Chris to sit quietly in the living room, charge our phones whilst simultaneously playing games, and read snippets of stupid things to each other. He pointed out that a brewery we like is celebrating their 5th anniversary this weekend. 

He decided to mow the lawn, I cleaned the bathroom and folded laundry, charged up the batteries for the weed whacker. Doug went to get propane for the grill and put air in the car tire (we need a new tire, we have a super slow leak and our mechanic said the tire needs to go anyway, so it wasn't worth the money to patch. Let's put that on the list of things to remember to do). 

Geoff wanted to go too, so that meant Phin got to go. We got showered, dressed and ready after we put our chores first. Like responsible adults. 

We ended up leaving much later than I'd hoped, and the crowd was HUGE. I knew it would be crowded but wow. Amazing turn out, even for as late as we got there. We each enjoyed three beers, chatted with a bunch of makers market folks, met dogs, had a cute little kid named Chandler feed Phineas cookies, which he took from her with care and love. And she stuck her hand out to me over and over for more cookies for the doggie. 

"What's your name?"
"No honey, I don't think your momma and daddy named you Doggie."
Child: sticks hand out for another cookie to give Phineas.

I'm so relieved he is so good with children. Honestly. I am not around a lot of them, but thinking of the day Henry played him like a bongo and declared him "Thunderdog" in reference to Guster's drummer, the "Thundergod." I can only imagine any other dog would be "fuck this" and bite the kid. Phin is just so gentle. Likes to be patted. Very patient. Wish he was nice to other dogs. It would be nice for him to have company!

We stopped at the market on the way home. Dinner was late, but hearts are full. Good times were had. Phineas is worn the hell out. He almost can't stand up, and he for sure can't jump. I just had to pick him up and put him in bed with Doug. He's a tired old bean tonight. But he got a really nice steak bone, met small children, took a nice walk around the brewery while we looked at the vendors, and lived a super full day. He probably fells the same way I felt after 17,000 steps in Philly.

Digits below. Here are a couple pictures. One is a cool truck for a local fresh cut flower shop, and the other is a "voodoo" doll for Vladimir Putin. Guess where I stuck my needle. Hint: not on the front!


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 6pm cause i was in the ca. Lots of walking and steps but I wouldn't call anything a dedicated 10.

blood glucose:
9:30am: 160
7pm: 153
10pm: 193

coffee, water 
10:30am: pepperoni slices, snack size colby cheese bite
11:30: metformin
12:30: 2 good yogurt
1:45: last of the chicken salad
2:45pm: 3 crackers w/peanut butter schmear
3-5:30pm: 3 beers at the brewery (didn't get BBQ)
7pm: metformin+jardiance
7:30pm: steak, salad w/blue cheese dressing; 2 beers
8:30: very small bowl of gourmet vanilla ice cream w/gourmet goat cheese caramel drizzle

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