Monday, April 17, 2023

Hi. You are being recorded

I was outside walking laps around with the dog and I heard a distinct voice say "Hi. You are currently being recorded."


Walking another lap, "Hi. You are currently being recorded." 

Where is this coming from? I thought John and Linda on the corner had a new security system. It wasn't until later when I heard "Hi. You are currently being recorded" and a floodlight turned on, at the other neighbor's house, that I realized it wasn't John and Linda. It was the house with the screaming children.

The screaming children go out to play all the time, and the blood curdling screams that come off some of them make me close my windows faster than someone running a weed whacker or leaf blower. 

Oh, okay. I'm currently being recorded.

I sat at the patio table this afternoon, and when I crossed my legs, I heard "Hi..."

A car drove up the street, and, yes, after the car was gone, "Hi..." 

A bird flew around the neighborhood and again, I heard, "Hi..."

I was out sitting at the patio table tonight while dinner was grilling and someone walking their dog stopped and looked around. I laughed. She asked me what the hell is that. I pointed to my neighbor and said "That." 

She gave them the finger.

I kind of loved it.

Tomorrow, they are going to record me walking up onto their steps with me knocking on the door to say "turn this shit off." 

"Hi..... You are currently being recorded" whacking the shit out of our security monitoring system.

No picture today. Just picture me sitting there trying to enjoy a beer while the grill is going. "Hi..."


exercise:  12/12 hours of 250 steps; dedicated 10 (pokemon walk)

blood glucose:

8am: 178
4:30pm: 138
10:30pm: 167

coffee, water
9:30am: 2 good strawberry yogurt
11:30: tuna over field greens and cherry tomatoes
12:30: Metformin
2:30pm: pretzels w/pub cheese snack
6pm: 4 sausages on the grill, cheese sauce with mustard, beer, milk
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: shelled peanuts (large bowl)
3 beers
9pm: protein shake

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