Monday, April 24, 2023


Today was a busy day with a lot of meetings. My boss is in DC at two days of in person webinars, so he put me on duty to attend some meetings he usually attends. Over my head stuff and a little overwhelming. But I was happy to be there and listen while decisions were made that he really should have been saying yes or no to, but I knew enough to say "well, I have actual evidence of this and am happy to share it with anyone questioning things so let's not dismiss that...." Good thing I was there.

Doug and Geoff got the dead mattress and box spring pieces out to the corner. Geoff and I got all the trash and 90% of the box recycling out. I'm holding some of the cardboard back for next week. It is a lot. I've never had them not take my trash, but, with the bed and everything out there I just want to not overdo the expectations. 

Unless I am up in the morning early enough to wrangle the last of it and get it organized. I am personally just fine with things as they are out there for the night, for the week.

For dinner tonight, Doug grilled a hangar steak that we picked up last night thinking we'd need it for dinner last night. Geoff surprised us by having dinner all set for us when we got home. I made a Big Salad and we put the steak on top of it in strips. It was fantastic. We haven't been eating a lot of steak because of how expensive things are, but this was affordable and well worth it. We have a goodly amount of salad left over so tomorrow, it's a can of tuna and maybe some bacon thrown in, and I'll have a feast for myself. Oh, and there are two avocados that need to be eaten so. 

Planning ahead.

After dinner, I thought about just doing steps inside or walking around the yard to hit the hourly marks but it was beautiful out. 6:30pm, and sunny and beautiful. No excuses, right. I put on sandals and headed out. It was cold last night, cold enough for a freeze warning. Today was too cool to go out and work at the patio, but by late afternoon it was very nice. 

Usually I walk down to the end of the street to the pokéstop, sometimes I cross the street to the other corner to be close enough to hit the pokégym. And other times I'll walk back up, pass the house, and go up 2 more blocks to one other pokégym to hit them all and get a solid mile walk. 

Today I kept walking past the stop and the gym, and turned left around up into the neighborhood beyond the end of the street. I met a beautiful Doberman out on my walk who pranced like a pony. She was gorgeous and friendly. I had a lovely time patting her and saying hi with her owner. There were a bunch of children riding their razor scooters, screaming and laughing. And there was a woman and a small boy with these popcorn walker toys from Fisher Price, he was running screeching pushing his, and she was bent over, pushing hers and trying to keep up. The handle is obviously meant for toddlers and not mommas.

There's a house down the street from me, 3 doors down on the next corner, that I absolutely love. I love it because of the porch but I'm sure the whole rest of the house is amazing. On the way home, I stood and admired the porch set up. They had the lights on the railing and there is a big tall kerosene heater, beautiful patio furniture and two huge ceiling fans up there. It isn't screened in, but, I'm sure that could be accomplished. I'm sure the price of the house would be 700k, it's so beautiful and the yard is perfect. Sigh. 

This entire neighborhood is wonderfully beautiful and so well kept and the houses are so nice. I'm so happy here. 

Sometimes I am careful of saying stuff like that out loud because the universe does weird things to me when I say "this is perfect and I am very happy." Right? I don't want to fuck anything up by stating that we're happy and good. But housing wise, we're on a lease to February 2025 here, so no one is rushing us out the door. We're happy to be in this spot. With our new bed and our old dog. And a nice neighborhood to walk in.

Today was a good day emotionally.  Even though I did have a headache and out of my depths in this planning meeting. The long and the short of it though is all's well... The walk was a great way to end the day for me.

Pictured: Phineas on the bed.  Still trying to figure this all out.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps; dedicated 10 plus 15. 

blood glucose:

8:30am: 191
4:45pm: 165
9:45pm: 143

coffee, water
8:45am: 2 good yogurt
11:30: 647 english muffin w/ pbj (low sugars)
12:15: metformin
4:45: Macintosh apple+ pb
5:30pm: hangar steak strips over a giant salad. pickled beets (should have checked the sugar/carbs on the label before assuming they were carb free. ha). caesar dressing
6pm: metformin+jardiance
8:00: ramekin of mixed nuts

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