Friday, January 12, 2024

The Earlier Birds

I could hear men yelling to each other in Spanish outside this morning a little before 7am. The road construction crew that has been working with the water department over the past couple months was back, and it was the "put the truck here, unload the backhoe there and move the trailer over there" conversation. 

I know just enough Spanish. 

Well, I needed to pee anyway so I got up. And Toffee got up because the sun is shining and it's morning and brekkie time. There would be no convincing her back to bed for another hour. Declaring myself officially up, I let her out and got the coffee going. I closed the bedroom door so Doug could keep sleeping. finished loading and started the dishwasher and put the frying pan and pyrex dish in the sink to soak. Tasks I neglected last night. Geoff sometimes does it if I go to bed and he's up watching TV but I don't think he stayed up last night. So there were things to take care of. 

The trucks arrived and workers arrived and noise began, so I was just 15 or 20 minutes ahead of the gang. They've been at this project for weeks and I have no clue what the deal is that they keep coming, tearing up the same spot, closing it up, and coming back. 

Doug woke up around 8. I had already answered two very unhappy client emails, and felt like I should just take the rest of the day off when I remembered I made a meeting for a California team at 4pm ET to accommodate the time difference. On a Friday. Before a holiday weekend. Why did I do that. 

By 10am I was ready for bed again. But I got the laundry organized and downstairs. The day went on.

We had a client do a very dumb thing and make a change to their website host configurations, and boy did that mess everything up. Their website went offline, and, there's something called TTL or Time To Live, and that was set to 2 hours. She should have consulted us first, I would have told her to change the TTL to 5 minutes, and wait 24 hours to make the change, AND do it with one of us. But she didn't know. She didn't realize the implications. She had to wait 2 hours for the site to come back up after we helped her reverse the things she did. 

Our sysadmin is one of the GREATEST people I've ever worked with, and he jumped on a call while he was at Target shopping with his mom at 5pm yesterday. I mean. It puts wind in my sails to have a co-worker willing to take a "sounds like a you problem" and jump in to help and advise. I ended the day yesterday feeling hopeful and inspired whereas I went into the call thinking "I do not need any of this at 5pm." 

I realize sometimes that I need to extend grace if I ever want it extended to me. And yesterday was a good example of that. 

Today was a very busy day and we had a couple of emergencies late, including an emergency page at 7pm that I am still working on. Part of it is time and patience and waiting for something to resolve, but I poured myself a giant glass of wine while waiting. 

An early day, a late night. some days are like that.

Here's some Toffee for you.


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps.  Missed 9am because i was focused on work, and realized at 9:59 i was short by 100 steps. boo. 5500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7am: 188
5pm: 168
10pm: 183

coffee, water
9:30am: 2 egg omelet w/ spinach, left over chorizo mix from the peppers last night. Cheddar cheese. English muffin w/butter
1:45pm: Giant bowl of plain yogurt w/blueberries and a splash of splenda 
6:30pm: chicken parm and sauce, tiny bit of spaghetti; metformin+jardiance; white wine
8pm: ramekin of mixed nuts; handful of m&ms 

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