Sunday, June 30, 2024

To The Gym!

Today I got up in time to do the 9am steps, and didn't sleep through an hour during the day, like, um, yesterday. 

I was sorely tempted, friends. At about 1:30 Doug went to "read" which means read for a few minutes and then fall asleep. I charged my phone, loaded the dishwasher, and packed myself up to go to the gym. I really should do this more frequently, right? I get lazy and then walk around inside the house. Doug told me when I do that it is "anxiety inducing" for him. Walking in circles around the house like that. I was a little irritated because honestly, I'm trying my best to do things for me to get healthier, and outside walking is not my jam. So. I'm walking around inside the damn house. So maybe I'll leave the house more.

But today. No excuse. 

I went to the gym a couple weeks ago before going out for Sara's birthday. I had about 25 minutes to spare and the gym is next door to the restaurant basically. So I figured eh, why not. When I pulled into the parking lot, there was a lady sitting in her car on the phone. I did about 20 minutes on the treadmill and came out. She was still on the phone, but was cleaning her car, doors open. 

"Done already?" she asked me. I laughed.
"Yeah - I only had about 20 or so minutes to spare so I just did the treadmill and boom. Done. 20 minutes is better than zero minutes, I guess." I replied.
"Hell yeah you are so right," she said, "Jeeesh I should go into the gym already." I heard her sister laughing and I thought to myself yeah, I've procrastinated a million times in life by talking to my sister so I absolutely can relate. 

At the gym today, there were not a lot of people. The treadmills were all open except for 2. No one was on the bikes, and the 30 minute circuit room was empty. I did 20 solid minutes on the treadmill for about 3/4 of a mile. Tried to steadily increase the speed until I wasn't sure I could run or keep up with the pace. Made myself laugh a couple times. 

After that, I went to the circuit room, and did all the machines. I've been having a problem with plantar fasciitis, as I've mentioned, so I used some of the leg machines to stretch my calves and hamstrings more and longer than I usually would have.

I would have stayed longer but I needed to get back home for D&D! Two weeks in a row. We're off next week and probably the week after. 

There was a much older man in there, in khaki dockers and a red dress shirt. I thought that was interesting, and I saw him leave with his (most likely) son, who was maybe a little older than me. The son was in workout gear: shorts and a very 70s throwback style t-shirt with horizontal sunset stripes and a sun, with "ACAPULCO" emblazoned in script underneath. 

There were a ton of 20-something year old dude bros doing weights and machines, and flexing in front of the mirror, taking selfies after their reps to show how "swole" they were. They were groaning a lot - super kind of gross. And I guess so fully impressed with themselves that this is how they find joy and happiness, maybe. I found it ridiculous. So I took a selfie of myself. Not lifting weights or flexing in the mirror. Just my big old face. 

Digits, below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. went to the gym. did all the machines in the 30 min room. 20 min. treadmill walk. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 168
6pm: 133
10pm: 156


11:30am: rather large bowl of mac&cheese with hamburger, metformin
6pm: 2 nice sausages and macaroni salad; metformin+jardiance. white wine
7:45pm: apple and peanut butter

The Sacred Spaces

Yesterday while sitting at the Ministry of Brewing, enjoying a peach pilsner and listening to the musician sing one of my favorite Jimmy Eat World songs while dogs were playing with each other, it was a familiar comfort to me to be sitting in a church, smiling. 

I remembered one of my former fellow church-goers in Massachusetts. We'll call him Bob. Not his name at all. He had gone on a trip somewhere and was walking behind what he thought was a big huge beautiful church, only to see stacks of kegs and milk crates and a small smoking bench where the staff would sit out for a break. 

He realized the church building was a brewery and he was so offended. SO offended. He went on and on and on about the corruption of this sacred space, the vile treatment of the building, how absolutely horrible it was for the state of Christianity in America that this would be allowed. 

I listened to him state his opinion and told him I absolutely disagreed with him. 

A church brewery for me evokes the Trappist monk traditions of brewing, and hospitality. It takes a place, which no longer serves the purpose of worship and organized religion and turns it into another space that continues fellowship, gathering, togetherness, and joy. It builds community. The community may look a little different than pews and hymnals, and instead there are board games and some guy singing a Stone Temple Pilots song. One of the tables up front was packed with 20 or so people celebrating a guy's birthday. Kids, dogs, mom, dad, the guy, his friends, family. Extended family. When it was time to sing happy birthday to him with his cake, everyone in the joint sang.

Bob told me that he feels this space, this church, is a sacred space. Set apart, the presence of God welcome there. We enter into His gates with thanksgiving when we cross the threshold. 

Yeah, but Bob. If you can't be in the presence of the Lord, under the eye of the Divine, blessed and loved while on the top of a mountain, next to the ocean, in the gutter, and you have to go into a building to be in a sacred space, I think you're doing it wrong. 

You're doing it all wrong. 

A building being "sanctified" is the act of man, the thoughts of humans, this is not an edict of God. It's more important to have 2 or more gathered in His name, anywhere, than it is to be somewhere that has an altar, candles, bells, stained glass. 

Don't get me wrong, I do love me a good church building. But it isn't any more special or blessed than a riverside picnic in the shade throwing sticks for my dog. 

I asked Bob if he thought that it would be better that a beautiful 1800s building be torn down, and some multi-use high rise put in its space, with a first floor grocery and flower shop, and offices for 2 floors, and 9 floors of apartments that are out of people's price ranges where they sit at 40% capacity. A place where individuals and families go into their homes and close the door. 

Or if a space intended for gathering continued to have gathering. A place intended for fellowship continue to have fellowship. 

And also, when you think about all the places in the world mentioned in hymns and scripture, beautiful mountain tops, swelling skies, roiling oceans, why do we all have to go look at those outside and then come inside into a building to revere them and sing about them, and discuss their magnificence? We should just go to them, and praise God from whom all blessings flow. Get out there, in nature and on the dirty sidewalks in the hot summer heat with the homeless. Get out there, look at moose in the woods and struggle to speak with an immigrant mother who has a crying baby, to let her know you're there to help. Leave the building, and act like you're in the presence of God with every step you take.

Bob didn't enjoy my response. 

I remember he pretty much had only small talk with me going forward. And that's okay. I challenged him, perhaps unwelcome from a woman, perhaps because I didn't have a theology degree like he did, maybe he just thought I was a fool and an apostate. But because I was part of the overall congregation shoulder to shoulder with me he had to tolerate me. 

Still, to this day, I'd much rather see a beautiful building retained, restored, loved. And the vibe you get from Ministry of Brewing is one where all are welcome and all are beautiful. Babies and dogs alike. 

One of the things that struck me was they still had the Stations of the Cross up on all the side wall pillars. I was slightly disappointed to see the artwork removed from each of the stations but also incredibly relieved to see that it wasn't somehow mocked with different artwork involving beer along the way or something. I wondered where the art was. If it was just simply painted over, or removed and grey plywood put in its place. They also didn't have any stained glass in the giant windows all along the sides. That was a little odd to me. 

Something to be curious about, I guess. 

Anyway. I don't think my philosophies on things like brewery churches are wacky and out there. I think they are simply what they are. And others still feel that buildings are special spaces. That's fine too. 

There's a church brewery in Pittsburgh I've wanted to go to, maybe I can convince Doug on this trip next week that we should go down. See the different space. Enjoy the fellowship.

Cheers, all. All are welcome here. Pull up a seat, tell me your stories.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Seven Year Olds are Fun

My work bestie's boy is about to turn 7. And we were invited to his birthday party. There were five other kids there from his class. 10 were invited but not everyone came. My friend was stressed about this because pulling together a nice party for a 7 year old is sometimes hard. 

But by the time the party happened, he was fine. He did say "Is auntie Christine coming, because that'll make everything right." No skipping out on this for us. I mean, the disappointment that he'd feel. I couldn't live with myself. It's funny that two young humans value me in such great regard. And I them. 

The party was at the Irvine Nature Center, which was a lovely place to visit. And a great place for a party!

There were turtle races, a snake, all kinds of critters on display and shown by the nature center instructor who was the sweetest girl ever. We all took a nice hike and she showed the boys different features, and the raptor building where we met the owls, the vulture, the hawks, the giant raven. 

My work bestie does not want having her son's pictures on the internet so I can't post them. But it was a delightful and wonderful day. I was worried about the weather, forecast was for 90+ and thunderstorms. But it all worked out great. 

His friends were so cute and sweet. One boy told me that he just had his birthday and he got a "Lego Fellalli" which I figured out was a Ferrari. And he told me "when I was young..." which made me laugh because, oh honey, you are young. He asked me if I knew where his dad was, I didn't know his dad, so I said 'did he fly to Mars?' and the young man looked at me and said, 'no, silly. He's right over there,' pointing to a man sitting at a table across from us by himself, playing with his phone. 

Oh. okay cool. Hey dad. He waved. There were two other boys I was sitting with at the same time and they just told me so much stuff, about their lives and Minecraft and things they love to do, and how this was a lot of fun. 

I find I can sit and talk to small people all day.

We were trying to decide what to do next after the party, my bestie stated they really needed to do errands and were focused on getting things done at home. Doug and I were north of Baltimore... let's find something fun to do. 

We ended up at the Ministry of Brewing. It had been on our periphery as a destination to hit, but we usually end up at Max's in Fells Point or another such spot when we go into Baltimore. But we were looking for something new that probably wouldn't be hard to get parking near.  Easy peasy,  It is a former church, very cool space. Wonderful beers, friendly staff. There was a guy playing guitar and singing, but he didn't know any Guster. Shockingly based on all the songs he was playing. 

At about 3:30 we decided it was time to head home. It was the wise thing to do because we could have sat there for hours and had more beers. But it's a long ride home. 

We both took giant naps. Busy day of nature stuff and beers. 

Because I honor my friend's request of no pictures of her boy, here's a picture of inside the Ministry of Brewing. We'll be back, I am sure. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Took a nap and missed 5pm. Short lovely hike around the nature center. 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 181
n/a - took a nap and forgot to take a reading
10pm: 141


11am: small bag of funyuns (as good as i remember). Birthday cupcake. bag of crunchy cheetos. metformin
1pm: 3 beers, bratwurst w/onions and peppers, mustard, brioche bun,  2 pieces of a crab quesadilla (split with Doug), salty sweet cashews
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance. bowl of chili w/shredded cheese and fritos

Friday, June 28, 2024

A Night Out

It was quite a week. Part of me just wanted to curl up on the couch and veg, play phone games, do nothing. But. A friend of mine messaged me that his band had a gig tonight at a brewery right by our house. 

We've gone to see them a couple times, they are really really good. Basically all covers, jokes, old American Songbook standards mixed with the Grateful Dead. I let Doug know earlier this week, a couple times, because you know, you have to tell people six or seven times so they can say "oh, that's tonight?" Yes darling. Tonight.

Doug took a nap at 5pm, I wish I had, and when he finally got up we headed over to enjoy. They were breaking from their first set when we arrived so I got to catch up and chat with him, and we went and sat on the rooftop-level deck they installed at the brewery last fall. 

It was delightful. Perfect temp. Warm, not hot. Breezy, sunsetty. Just right. Lots of kids playing and big dad energy down on the play area. It was sweet to watch. The apartment complex next to the brewery has a small soccer "field" and we watched a kid work super hard to try and score goals and mostly miss. When he did score, he fell on his knees and rejoiced, just like the pros do. 

We headed home at 9 when they finished playing. Three beers was enough, and I am tired, yo. Tired. 

Tomorrow I'm going to my work bestie's son's 7th birthday party. This hopefully will be fun. It is supposed to be hot and humid again, very unlike today. Sadness. Fingers crossed the rain holds off. 

Digits below. Too tired to write much more. Goodnight!


exercise: 12/12 hours. 13 minute inside walk that somehow my fitbit did not register. Rude. Another walk to the brewery from the parking lot. Another walk to the parking lot from the brewery and a train was going by, so we couldn't cross to the car. I kept walking around the parking lot. I timed it, it was another 13 min. Also didn't register on my fitbit. The hell? So rude. 8100+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 123
5pm: 123
11pm: 171


noon: metformin; tuna salad on 647 white
5pm: apple w/pb
6:30pm: turkey on 647 multigrain; metformin+jardiance
8pm: cheeseburger, 3 beers

Thursday, June 27, 2024

More Bird Talk

This seems to be the time of year. 

Eastern facing window, sunrise shining on the glass. Birds impacting the glass. Boom! 

This morning we had two. Toffee and I were fast asleep at about 8am, and one hit. A second right behind. Oh dear. I put on shorts and flip flops, went out to check. Both had gotten up and moved along, probably with the cartoon swirlies and maybe even tiny birds circling their little heads. We had another hit the living room around 11am while I was in a meeting. 

When we moved into the house, probably were here just a couple months, one hit the bedroom window and cracked it. Now that I think of it, I had emailed the property manager at the time, and she never mailed me back. I should make sure I have that email for when we move out in case this is ever questioned. 

It is the angle of the sun, the glass. We didn't have this problem in the last house because the living room faced west and we had the nice porch to shade the glass. 

Linda and C both had birdie stories for me tonight. C had one in her porch (hashtag porchlife!) and Linda told me the story of a tiny baby bird that fell out of its nest that Ronnie saved and placed back up in the nest. Ronnie's prime directive is a little different than Doug's, I think. Doug would probably let nature be nature and let the baby bird pass, because that's what would happen if we weren't sitting right there. 

Doug took Toffee for a walk today after he was done working, so I got dinner ready and walked in the house. He said he met a neighbor up the street with a 6 month old pittie that looked exactly like Toffee. They just moved into the neighborhood and I'm going to walk up the street and give them my cel number and invite them to come play. Doug said Toffee was very sweet and they got along well. So yes. Please come be our friends, and our neighbor. We love you.

After dinner, I had a nice chat with Linda tonight before my laptop battery was ready to die. The patio was PERFECT and it was nice to sit out there while grilling and chatting. We watched the presidential debate but I'm disgusted with both of these jagoffs, and I am just absolutely unhappy that these two men are the "best" either party can offer. 

In hockey, you change the line. Change the line, America.

Anyway, I got a bunch of extra work done while the debate was debating, and that was good. So looking forward to it being Friday and the weekend, and hoping for a very quiet week next. We're going to see Doug's mom on Wednesday, Geoff is staying home with Toffee, as he has to work. 

Anyway. Here's a picture of Toffee, where I was trying to get a shot of her sleeping in a wacky pretzel twisted position but she woke up and was amazed. Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Somehow missed 9am even though I was outside walking around, checking flowers, doing all the things. Broke my streak! 23 min. indoor walk. 7k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 179
4:45pm: 159
10:30pm: 111


11:30am: english muffin with pb and apricot bonnie mamans
1pm: apple w/pb
2pm: metformin
6:30pm: grilled chicken breast, broccoli based microwave stir fry w/soy sauce & butter; red wine
7pm: metformin+jardiance

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Prime Directive

I fell asleep on the couch last night, Doug was watching a documentary on smuggling in Peru with subtitles. The subtitles were yellow and too small so I stopped caring. I thought about picking up my laptop to do some busy work and maybe write an entry, but, zzzzzzz. The dog was comfy, the air conditioning was just right. I slipped off to sleepyland. That lil'snoozy was nice but made it hard to fall asleep. Eventually I got there. 

This morning I was up at a decent time, and I went out to water the plants before 9:30. I'd answered email, slack, and needed to get the steps for that hour in so. Why not water plants. Toffee went out with me. We were in the back yard and there were a lot of very noisy birds going on and on. Toffee was standing in the yard, nose down, sniffing. Birds started to bombard her, and she chased them and ran around. Bombarding? What's up birds?

I walked over and there was a wee fledgling in the grass. Toffee was sniffing it and I pulled her back to get a good look at it. It had its wings open a little, like it had just been trying to do something. Nothing looked broken on it, it was just ...there. 

It looked up at me, I wondered what was going through its little bird mind. "Hi, big lady," "Uhhhhh. A Little Help, maybe?" 

I let Toffee sniff it again, she was very interested and now that I was standing there, the birds were just noisy and not doing their bombardments. 

Baby bird opened its mouth big and wide when Toffee leaned in. The idea that this giant brown wingless thing was going to feed it made me laugh. Tried to get a picture with its mouth open, but that just was not working out. At least I got one. 

I brought Toffee inside, remembering not to violate the prime directive (thank you Star Trek) to not interfere with the general natural order of things. Birds have fallen out of nests a million times over. Birds usually figure it out. If bird does not figure it out, well, bird does not figure it out. 

I've violated this rule in the past. Twice in my adult life. Once was a robin that crashed into the windows of our back door in the brown house. It was stunned and just still on the back step. I picked him up. 

I think the robin died from its injuries. 

And another time was a baby squirrel that fell out of somewhere and onto the ground, also at the brown house. Baby squirrel got some good photo opportunities as it was put back up into the lilac bush that it was under, to get it off the ground and away from the many neighborhood cats. Eventually he moved along. Clumsy little bean. 

I've said before it is a hard world for small things, taking that quote from "Raising Arizona" to heart my whole life. The temptation to pick up the bird and put it in a shoebox and try to help is real. Knowing that you should not do that and allowing for nature to do nature things, that's important. 

It is raining tonight, so the routine of going out before 10am to water will be not needed, but I will go out for patrol. 

Here's Toffee and her temporary new friend. 2 days of Digits below.

Tuesday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours. 26 min. inside walk. 6900+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 143
5pm: 138
11pm: 146


coffee/water/iced tea
1pm: pbj on 647 bread; metformin
6:45pm: chicken parm, slice of rosemary focaccia bread 
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: bowl of plain yogurt w/blueberries & sliced peaches, sprinkle of splenda

Wednesday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours. no walk inside today. 4500+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 165
5pm: 115
10pm: 220 (too close to high carb dinner, will drop by the morning)


11:45am: metformin. Left over pulled pork, piece of previously grilled left over country pork spare rib
2pm: fuji apple with peanut butter
7:30pm: chinese food fest: general gao's chicken, shrimp lo mein, bbq boneless spare ribs, mongolian beef, spring roll, 3 peking ravioli
9:30pm: 2 baby bel cheeses and a protein shake
red wine+diet ginger ale

Monday, June 24, 2024

Bobrovsky Was Robbed

Geoff got home a little before 1 am, I think. At least that's when my fitbit said I went to sleep. And I did see him when he came in because the doggie doorbell went off when he came in the front door, and she went on RooRooRoo! high alert!

I told my work bestie that I don't like momming all over it. But I don't know. my anxiety over him going by himself to the city, to a semi-touristy and semi-unsafe area (tourists = targets) the aloneness of it was worrisome. Downtown in our town is equally super dangerous - but I didn't have a problem with that because he'd be 3 miles away instead of 11 with multiple transportation factors. 

He said he had a great time. He met and chatted with one person. Geoff was wearing a band t-shirt for Not The Band he was seeing [which is what you do when you're not a Guster or Grateful Dead fan] and a guy came up to talk to him about how he used to use their music for getting pumped up before wrestling matches and the rest of the team hated it. He left before the end of the show to make sure he got a train. He highly recommends the venue. I asked if there was a pit and he said no, "it was mostly people standing and vibing to the music." 

So I should listen to this music you stand and vibe to and see what it is all about. 

I was very tired this morning because 1am. My alarm went off at 8. Doug and the dog had already gotten up, and she came back to bed with me and was completely curled up behind my legs and I didn't want to move. Snooze, Snooze, Snooze. Finally I got up because I had to pee. 

At about 9:30am I went out and watered the plants. It was about 20 degrees cooler at that time than it was the past couple of days, still hot. But. Notably more comfortable. Toffee helped me patrol the perimeter, water the things, and if I didn't have to work sitting at the patio table would have been nice. My laptop overheats on the patio table so I won't do that again. Lesson learned, twice. Ha. 

It was a busy day. I have to remember to do my anti-harassment training, which my friend and I call "harassment training" because we said that mistakenly once years ago so it is still funny to us. 

I'm kind of annoyed because the training has not changed in 3 years. Same modules, same videos, same everything. Boring. 

Anyway. Just watched the Stanley Cup final and I'm disappointed that the Oilers lost but Connor McDavid still won the Conn Smythe. I mean. Bobrovsky owned them in goal for the vast majority of the series. And he owned everyone in goal. That stupid team rode on his shoulders. He should have won. So I say Boooooo. 

Alright - no picture today, too busy.  Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 22min inside walk; 7k by bedtime.

blood glucose:

9am: 155
5pm: 132
10:30pm: 121


coffee/water/iced tea
10:45am: apple w/pb; metformin
6pm: 2 pork chops, some smashed potatoes, coleslaw
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Boy in the Big City

Geoff bought tickets to a concert tonight. The show was supposed to be at one location, easy out and in close to our house. But it got moved to downtown DC. With 4 of our metro stations closed up this way, we had to conspire for the best route for him to go. 

We thought about driving him down, dropping him off, going somewhere, and he could Uber home. Or, he could go to our metro station, take the shuttle to the stop that is open, and ride the metro from there. There's a metro station right by the venue. But. I'm unsure of the frequency of the shuttle at night, even though the trains run until 1am... what if there are no frequent shuttle buses and he has to sit there and sit there and sit there and wait. That metro station isn't known for its super safety. I didn't want him just sitting there at midnight, waiting. 


Part of me wanted him to sell the ticket, or reach out to the venue to say that he couldn't make it to the new venue location, and that it wasn't awesome of them to do that, can he have his money back please or something. But no. I put that aside, there's no way the venue would do that. I let him make the decision.

Lately, I'm literally the most anxious about things I should not be anxious about. I know for a fact everything will work out okay and right. He is a grown ass man. He can figure this out. But I was completely pissed about the venue move, honestly, ridiculous. And now we have to figure out the logistics.


He left early, and drove to the first stop of the metro line that was open, and made it down. Texted me that arrived at the venue, ate dinner because he was there plenty early, and went to hang by the river since this venue is at the Wharf. The plan is not to get drunk, or drink too much, to stay hydrated and safe, and enjoy the pit, and come home. 

And... Hopefully not get knocked out in the pit, which is what happened to him once when he went to a show in Baltimore. 

Here's a picture of Toffee and a ball she eviscerated this afternoon. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 27 min. inside walk. 6500+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:15am: 147
5:45pm: 123
10:45pm: 143


noon: bowl of greek yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, small bit of splenda; metformin
6:15pm: chocolate donut from entenmann's; bowl of left over chicken, couscous, and salad w/ dollop of hummus
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
7pm: a few pretzels and hummus
red wine + ginger ale

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Today I...

Today I passed on going to Doug's aunt's house. For my out, I promised I'd do stuff around here instead. I'm of the mindset that I need to clean my own house, not someone else's. He left around 2pm. Not sure how long he plans on staying out there. Or what her needs are. Or what condition his attitude is going to be in when he gets back. 

Today I watered all the plants before 10am. I actually got out of bed early on a Saturday, put my flip flops on, went out to ascertain the temp, and watered. Felt so accomplished. Even before coffee. If it wasn't already 90 degrees out, at that time of the morning, I would have marched back in and gotten a cup and my phone to play my dumb games. But no. Couch. 

Today I made a really nice greek yogurt marinade for chicken. It isn't supposed to rain today, and as mentioned before it is indeed super hot. Doug will not be in the mood to grill, so I'll go out and do it. 

Today I ran the vacuum. Yinz know how much the vacuum is loathed in our household. We likes the clean rug. We hates the smell. We hates the noises. Read that in Gollum's voice from the Hobbit. That's Doug. 

Toffee is unbothered by the vacuum. I had to run it all around her, and then make her get up and move so I could finish. It's kind of nice to see she doesn't care about it. Brodie used to let me crash it into her, Toffee at least takes the hint and skedaddles. 

Today I found a bottle of sugar free ginger beer in the fridge when I was cleaning it out looking for anything that can/should be pitched (ie: Today I cleaned the fridge) and I made a Moscow Mule of sorts. I didn't have fresh lime, and I didn't feel like pulling out the copper cups, so I just got a pint glass, a fresh lemon and used 1/2 of it. And a ton of ice. Refreshing treat after vacuuming! 

Today I folded the laundry. So help me God. I folded the laundry. Well. 80% of the laundry.

Today I talked to my girl C about our old people woes. I folded the laundry while talking with her about Vegas, Barcelona, Plantar fasciitis, the weather, how we both hate the heat.

Today I talked to my mom. She called while I was making dinner and got caught up with things. The weather, news and info about all the people in the neighborhood and stuff. It was nice to catch up, I was going to give her a call anyway so I'm glad she beat me to it. 

Guess that's about it. Doug got home in time for me to make dinner, and I take it he had a good day at his Aunt's but did a lot of work. Part of me feels a little guilty that I didn't go with him and help, but. 

Today I did other things. 

Digits Below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 25 minute indoor walk. 7500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 154
5pm: 132
10pm: 152


1:30pm: Grilled turkey and cheese on 657 bread; metformin
moscow mule
7pm: grilled chicken in marinade of yogurt/lemon/garlic/etc. Couscous, cucumber, tomato, goat cheese salad. Sugar free ginger ale. 
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance

Friday, June 21, 2024


All day today I had a stomach ache. Just, ugh. Blah. No bueno. It made me very not hungry, thus I didn't eat until 1pm and at that point I didn't even want to eat that but really had to. 

Dinner had me feeling a little better, but I do feel a low-grade blah. 

While I made dinner, I walked. The pasta water boiling, walk walk walk, add the spaghetti, stir stir stir walk walk walk. I was going to keep going but the pasta was done and so was I. I have 5 days of more than 10 min for the dedicated 10, so that feels like an accomplishment. 

Work was busy. Did a last minute save the day for someone very late in the day and am going to check on him online tomorrow and Sunday to see that things are working for him. Hopefully the thing he ran into was a one time hiccup. Fingers crossed. 

After dinner, I talked to Linda for an hour or so. I sat outside on the patio, drinking wine. It was hot but not death hot. There was a light breeze, and Toffee was enjoying herself (I think she was enjoying herself) chasing fireflies. It is hysterical to watch, because she chases them and they disappear, and then she is confused. Her "WTF" face as she's looking around, shaking her head back and forth and oh! There's... OH! There's more! 

We went inside when the mosquitos got too much. One bit me on the scar on my right hand,  so I've been slathering Cortisone 10 on it to get it to stop. 

Doug and I have been enjoying the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I personally am hoping that the Oilers win it. 

Alright. Bedtime. No photo. Busy day tomorrow, I think. Maybe. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 17 minute inside walk; 6k by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 179
5pm: 134
11pm: 152


1pm: metformin; peanut butter and jelly on 647 bread
6:30pm: small bowl of spaghetti with a lot of meat sauce; red wine
8pm: metformin+jardiance

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wednesday Holiday Short Work Weeks

I really loved knowing today was Thursday. I had to tell myself repeatedly it was not Monday when I got up.  And this evening I realized it was not Friday. I was all ready to sleep in tomorrow.

Gotta love having my brain fucked up by one day off and what is summer. 

It was an easy day at work. One call with a client and a bunch of questions by my team. Geoff got home from work and put steak fries on a sheet into the oven and microwaved pulled pork. Easy peasy dinner. I ate more macaroni salad than I should have. But it was so tasty. 

A friend of mine invited us to Easton to go see a bluegrass band tonight, but it is far. We've been there a couple times, if you remember the 2018 Crabs and Colleagues day that we went out on, that was in Easton. 

But tonight, and both of us having to work tomorrow, I had to pass. 

Today was hot. I went out at 10 and watered the plants and patrolled the perimeter with Miss Toffee. I ended up sitting out for about an hour at the end of the work day while Geoff was cooking. I had beer and didn't intend to, but it was kind of the perfect night for it. Sitting out and having a brew and reading. Doug had gone into the bedroom at 4 and crashed, so I finished working and did steps and basically just went to enjoy outside. 

Looking forward to getting through tomorrow's work day. Hopefully will be easy. Fingers crossed. I have to write up 2 bugs for the devs on one of our platforms and just didn't get around to it today so that's first and foremost tomorrow. 

My friend Janet texted me from The Sphere tonight. Super jealous of her and experiencing the show. I told her to call me tomorrow. I want her full review! 

Anyway. I took this picture of Toffee today while I was relaxing on the patio. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 29 min. indoor walk listening to a webinar (could have gone longer but i needed to monitor the QA chat); 7k+ by bedtime. Kind of feel it should have been more with the near half hour walk but. 

blood glucose:

9am: 147
4:30pm: 165
10:30pm: 229

10am: last of the chicken salad (to get the container out of the fridge) about 3/4 cup
11am: Metformin
1:45pm: big piece of leftover chicken left over from last night and a little mac&cheese leftover from lunch yesterday
4:45pm: 6 whole wheat crackers w/pb
6:30pm: Aldi's pulled pork (very sweet) with a huge helping of macaroni salad
3-4 beers between end of work and bedtime, I think 4.
10:30pm: protein shake (after taking my blood sugar)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

So what did you do with your day off, Chris?

I did nothing, yinz. 

Toffee and I sat on the couch, played games on my phone (well, I played games on my phone), and we didn't do anything fun or interesting. I did some hotel research for Maine. I emailed a tentative itinerary to Linda and Ginger. 

Around 4pm I filled the watering can and took care of the flowers out back and out front. Toffee is fascinated by the hose. She doesn't like to be sprayed with it, but ... it sure is interesting. 

I did sit outside with some wine for a while when Geoff was cooking, and it was not horrible hot. During the day it was, but by 6pm it was mighty okay. Want you to be proud of me.

And that's it.

Didn't go to the gym (but walked a lot in the house), didn't fold that laundry. Thought about baking cookies. But yeah. Nope. Nothing.

Doug talked to his aunt today and it sounds like he's going over there on Saturday to help with some things. We stopped trying to help because it never mattered how much we did, it just didn't get better. But it sounds like the courts are coming after her. He connected her with an elder law attorney in her county and she said they were not helpful. And they wanted money. So she thinks people should just help her because she's old and poor. She also thinks the dentist is a money grubbing monster because he won't work on her teeth unless she pays. And she's mad at Verizon because they want money. 

Anywhooooo. yeah. That is a thing happening. He said "you are invited to join me," and I know I'll go but I don't want to. 

"If there is a beer and buffalo wings stop on the way home I'll go. But I won't like it," I replied. 

Here are a couple pictures from the day. Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 20 min walk (plus another about 12 min walk that my fitbit didn't measure for some reason?); 7k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 150
4:45pm: 179
10pm: 138

11:45am: small bowl of mac&cheese w/bacon; metformin
1:30: bowl of homemade chicken salad, no nuts or grapes. we didn't have any.
6:30pm: Chicken Amaretto, a recipe Geoff found in a cookbook. giant piece of chicken coated in bread crumbs and grilled, in a mushroom, tomato, garlic sauce with crushed cashews. Red wine. metformin+jardiance

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

An Unexpected Holiday

I realized I have tomorrow off. My company observes Juneteenth, which is awesome. This afternoon I looked at my schedule, and was surprised nothing was on the docket for tomorrow. Then I realized what was up. Yaaaas. 

I'm all for recognizing the important date, the historical moment, the liberation and emancipation of all. But I'm also not going to lie to you, friends, and say after the past couple days, Only two days, I'm tired of this week. So very nice. 

What are my plans? I'll drink coffee on the patio before it gets too hot. I'll water the plants. I'll go to the gym. I've reached out to a guy who has wood for sale and a woman giving away her fire pit. I'll go to the grocery store and get stuff for dinner. I've got a lot of laundry that needs to be folded (it never ends). I have to commit to and plan our August trip. I have my Wednesday night lined up for the ride north with S&S and Henry and I'm in charge of hotel and picking our halfway stopping point for the night... 

I need a hotel in Portland after that. Not sure if I'm solo on Thursday or if Lin and Gingee are there Thursday. They need to decide, so I can't book anything for Thursday just yet. It'll all come together very quickly.

And I will basically just not work. 

Not. Work. 

Doug has to work, so he's a little jelly, but. Sorry. Join a progressive company, I guess. 

Geoff has the day off but he had it off anyway since he worked this past weekend. 

He had a really hard day at work. He's fucked up a couple of lab orders recently and he was written up for it, and fucked up again today. So he thinks he is going to be fired. I told him I doubt they will fire him, since there are only three of them right now. They need him. So I encouraged him to talk to his boss and see if he can get some extra guidance or mentoring. This hospital brags on their mentoring program. Where's his mentor?  

He is not a good self-advocate, and he gets really down on himself. 

We've been encouraging him to enroll in school for the fall, and he can either work this job if it fits in his academic schedule or resign, do his school work, and apply for another job there in the future when he has his Associates. He has seemed reluctant to do that, to quit the job, but I feel like yeah - get back in school. Now's the time. 

I wish he took my advice. He's not good at taking anyone's advice.

So with him having tomorrow off too, he can maybe help me run these errands fire pit related, we'll spend some time together. We'll talk. 

Pray for him. Hold him in your thoughts. Send him mojo. Whatever positive reinforcement things you do.

Here's Toffee with her octopus. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 23 min. indoor walk. 7300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 153
forgot afternoon reading, I was doing a walk and then got email.
10:30pm: 175

noon: ramekin of chicken salad; metformin
1pm: piece of cheese danish
6:30pm: 3 frozen burritos w/melted cheese, refried beans, sour cream, salsa. Metformin+jardiance. 3 beers

Monday, June 17, 2024

Awkward Moments

A couple weird things happened at work today. I called out an oversight which kind of mortified and embarrassed the person who made the oversight, and she was very very apologetic. To the point where I wanted her to stop apologizing. It is a no harm/no foul situation. We're fine. She wanted to send me a card and asked for my address. 


No, you're honestly going too too far. Not only did I forgive you when you apologized over and over and just let it go, now you want to send me an I'm So Sorry card. There's no need. You are never going to have another coworker who is as laid back about stuff as I am. No card please. 

More apologies. Apologies for wanting to send me a card.

I swear if I open the door tomorrow and there is a bouquet of flowers I'm going to be feeling a certain way. 

All told, I think she understands I don't need a card or more apologies. 

Later in the day, I was helping a client with something and she was incredibly upset and confused about the thing she had to do and on the verge of tears. 

She'd submitted a helpdesk ticket and another one of my teammates had taken it, but they gave her the wrong instructions. That was a week or so ago, and today was the deadline for her to do what she needed to do and here the instructions weren't working. So she slacked me to ask for help. 

We got on a zoom call with two other people in another department at our company who asked her to do this thing and she was still so confused. 

Taking a wild guess, I figured out what needed done, and we did the thing. 

I said "we can always undo this if we are wrong," and then I committed the change. It worked. We cheered. The other two people from my company left the call and I didn't click "leave meeting" just yet. I sat there and I looked at her. 

She burst into tears. the On The Verge Of Tears changed to actual factual weeping. I told her it was all going to be alright, and we did the big thing that needed to be done that no one knew how to do (I guessed. Flat out guessed) and she told me how thankful she was. She was under so much stress to get this done, and with the incorrect instructions (she sent me the documentation and they were indeed wrong so we're fixing the documentation). 

She told me she was so thankful I was there. She was still crying and wiping her face with the sleeves of her sweater. "I don't know what I would have done if I didn't reach out to you." She thanked me (not repeatedly or overwhelmingly, thankfully) and before I hung up the zoom call I said "I love you."

I told a client.... "I love you." and then I felt like a weirdo. Sheeeeeeesh Chris, you don't tell people at work "I love you."


But why not?

I feel like we need to do that once in a while.And right then she needed to know she is loved. I'm sure there was pressure from above at her office, I'm sure that she was flat out frustrated with my colleagues, she's a wonderful person. She deserves to know she's loved.

I slacked her and said "okay so I don't usually say I love you at the end of a zoom call... I'm sorry if that was weird and awkward but I feel like you needed to know that in the moment. You're an amazing person and you are doing so much and so good, I'm proud of you and proud of working with you."

She slacked me back and thanked me and I had hit the leave meeting button and she was in the middle of saying "I love you" back to me. 

"Let me say it loud and clear, I love you! You've been such a champion for me all these years." 

So that didn't end on as horribly awkward a note. I felt nice about it. 

To close out today's entry, here's a picture from the NJ Turnpike just north of the Delaware Bridge. You don't see a giant stuffed bison on the back of a pickup truck going 70+ miles an hour. And why yes, I did put it on Instagram and tag them. I won't win anything but, I follow instructions if nothing else.

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 19 min. inside walk, 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 155
4:15pm: 139
10:30pm: 159

12:15pm: grilled turkey & muenster on 647 bread
1pm: metformin
2:15pm: apple w/pb
6pm: 2 cheeseburgers, no buns, homemade coleslaw 
6:45pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: large slice of cheese danish
red wine

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Guster at the Bearsville Theater, Woodstock NY

When we had to find a pet sitter for Miss Toffee Dog, a friend suggested I reach out to a fellow Guster fan who recently moved to the area. She enthusiastically agreed. What a gift she was and is. 

On Friday morning she asked me if I would like to accompany her to Woodstock NY for a Guster show. Her husband couldn't make it, but, she still wanted to go. 

Doug had his usual "Knock yourself out, kid" attitude and so I agreed to go. I got a colleague at work to cover my on call shift for a while for when I knew I'd be unable to respond, and signed up for the trip.

Saturday morning I headed up to her house north of Baltimore and we did the trek to the Catskills. The Bearsville Theater is a newly restored listening room with a hell of a lineup this year. And two nights of Guster. Friends were there on Friday night, and the room, the space, the whole thing of it just looked great. I was truly looking forward to this, even though I didn't plan on attending in any way. 

It took about 5.5 hours from her house, 90 min. from my house, so it is technically far away. But. Once you're there, it is just perfect as heck. 

Our friend set up a meet and greet and no one came. but so many fans were milling around. This venue has a restaurant (the Cantina) an ice cream parlor, a huge outdoor chill space, a tavern, everything you'd want in a rock show compound. 

We arrived at about 6:30 to hang with him. He's truly lovely and I'm happy we had this time together without so many people and a meet and greet. 

At the table near us, there were 3 Gusters chilling and eating dinner. I said to my fellow fans "I'm going to be that guy." 

"What guy, are you going to go talk to them?"

"Hell no. They're eating and deserve quiet time together. I'm paying for their dinner." Both R and D laughed and I got the waitress. I told her that when those 3 are done - please give me their tab. I'm paying for it. 

She was confused. No seriously, honey. I'm buying that table dinner.

"All the things or just the beers?" 

"No, all the things." 

When it was time to pay up, she told them I was buying dinner. Luke got up from the table and was like "WHAT! NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT!"  I just sat there grinning and said "you're about to rock our faces off for 2 hours, you deserve a gift of a beer and burrito." 

He stuck his hand out to shake my hand and said "Hi, I'm Luke," and I smiled, "Yeah I know. Of course you are." 

We then got to chatting, and Adam and Dave were chatting with R & D and others, and I got a selfie with Luke, which I've been wanting forever. I've gotten time with everyone else in the band but him over the past several years. And here all I had to do was buy him a burrito and a beer. 

I love this picture because R & D are in the back photobombing. I couldn't crop them out. Too stinking cute. 

I thought I was smiling bigger but, I think I was tired from many car hours. But. LUUUUUUUUKE! So happy to have a little time with him. 

Meet your heroes and buy them dinner. 

They had to go get ready for the show, and we made our way in. My friend Jeff from High School's older sister Amy was at the show too - she had messaged me on Instagram to say she was going and I told her so was I. So we made a point of connecting. 

I do not remember her at all from high school, but she remembers me. And of course I knew Jeff well back in the day, and since moving here to Maryland he's been a great connection.  So having her there too was nice. We had seats in the balcony and she had a GA ticket, so we had beers, she went to the floor and we went up top. 

D is a taper, he records shows so it's kind of cool. There were two people sitting between R and me and D, so they were happy to swap spots and D could sit with us. The show was wonderful. The venue is AMAZING. So small and intimate, I could see people on the floor that I knew. I texted my friend A and said "Hi. Look up at the balcony," so he did, and lost his mind. 

Because I was not supposed to be there, this was a big surprise and he was thrilled. Absolutely thrilled. At intermission we were able to connect and hug and scream and just be so happy together. 

So, aside from all the loves and friends and fantastic humans, how was the show? 

It was truly outstanding. When Guster plays 2 nights back to back they aim for no repeats. Here is the setlist for Saturday Night, and we were treated to a first playing of "When We Were Stars" from the new album, which they have not yet perfected but they nailed it. It was outstanding. 

When they were talking about playing it they thought about scrapping and doing something else. Luke interjected with "Guster can Do IT!" and everyone cheered, so they did it. 

I personally like to think the burrito and beer purchase fired this energy. I know it was just they did it because they could do it but. Yeah. Fired Up Luke was a delight to see.

What a special night and beautiful venue. I'm just floored that it is there, thankful for my friend reaching out to ask me if I wanted in. It'll be a month or so until I get to see Guster again, and for that I'm sad and pining and longing already. But last night in Woodstock NY makes me just want to go back to the Catskills, with or without a Guster show, for some mountains and some cool air. 

digits below this epic photo.

Sunday digits - skipping Saturday records

exercise: 7/12 hours. Lots of car time. 5k by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 188
10:30pm: 144

1pm: metformin; bowl of tuna salad w/pickles and lettuce from Subway on the Jersey Turnpike
7pm: metformin+jardiance; one large piece of country pork rib wrapped in a tortilla w/ homemade guacamole, cheese, sour cream
White Wine

Friday, June 14, 2024

Quiet Friday

Today I had no meetings except our team meeting. I didn't shower.  Kind of regretted it because. That's not my normal M.O. 

But I was not motivated. Some days I am just not. And I feel like the two days in the office were Extra. 

Daily, though... I need to look like a decent human. And even for myself I need to make that effort. It's not like Doug who can go 10 days without putting himself in the shower, and he looks fine. Absolutely Fine. After 24 hours I do not look fine - I look a mess. So I need to take that shower before noon to get that going. But when I don't have meetings with clients in the day... well I'm just not motivated. 

It was a long week.

I think I'm going to buy a boho headband of some sort for days like this, My hair looks like shit around my forehead and face, but fine out and about my head. But maybe that's a bad idea because I'll be encouraged to just headband my hair and be "feh" about things.

I just had a haircut in April but feel like I should get another one. I hate my hair right now. But. When I shower it is fine. It is fine. It is good it is fine. It's fine.

I didn't get together last night with my colleague in town from the midwest, and I really regret that. I wish I'd encouraged him to come up here because he could be the first coworker to meet my dog. But the metro was not helpful to our thinking of plans. We will aim for the next time he's here. It'll be a super fun time. 

He called me from the airport with some really funny anecdotes about yesterday and last night, so we at least had some laughs from his experiences. Still. I told him I felt like the world's worst ass friend being so close and not rescuing him from boredom. He said he also felt bad for not sucking it up and getting an Uber or something. All told, we can't change the past, right?

Geoff had today off today because he's working all weekend. There are only 3 people on his team right now so they're getting rotated into the weekends more frequently. He went to Target and bought a bunch of stuff, so it was nice to have him handy like he used to be when he didn't have a job. 

If you're reading this, and you are the praying type, please pray for him to get some motivation to ... do more something. We're happy having him here and we love him, but I feel like he could be achieving more. Recall my entry in 2023 about Cheese Sandwiches

Basically. Hmmm. He can/should be taking classes in the fall but so far has not made an effort to enroll in the Associates Program and continue his degree. He also just seems to be comfortable or "okay" with the fact he is technically a part time employee, and does his job and things are good. But he has not looked for a full-time position to further his career, or even looked for advancement at this hospital. Um. Since they are down a person, is there an open position he can apply for maybe? Hmmm.

So I'm hoping he'll get motivated and ready. We've talked to him about it. Encouraged him. He gives us a blank stare. 

A couple years ago he wanted 100% to GTFO here and go find an apartment somewhere else, but we explained to him he needed to wait, earn money, and get his degree and stuff. But now he has his Certificate and is making money but.... isn't motivated to do more just yet. 

Please send him some energy and mojo for going to the next step. I do love having him here willing to go to Target or the Beer Store or whatever. But. you know. It's time, you know. It's time. 

Y'all know. I know y'all know.

I got an invitation to do something rather unexpected this weekend, so I am going to hold the writeup until then but I'm kind of psyched. I'll keep my mouth shut. hahahhaa. 

You'll get a surprise tomorrow. 

Until then, here's my dog, holding me hostage today while I was trying to work. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 16 min. inside walk. 6k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:15am: 163
5am: 155
10:45pm: 144

noon: metformin
2pm: 2 large celery sticks w/peanut butter
7pm: 2 knackwurst with a lot of macaroni salad; white wine
8pm: Meformin+jardiance

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Twofer Entry

It still fascinates me. 

I didn't have time to take a picture during the work day yesterday, with all the goings on, but I should have made the effort to step out of the office, turn left, look down the street, snap a shot, come back.  

There is a really cool straight shot view all the way to the Capitol building. From the office or when sitting in traffic, not moving, I really should take a picture sometime.

That's a real place and a real thing and my office is a half mile from it, and it's just mind blowing. I work there. In that city. Well, unless I'm working here on my couch, ya know? It's a real place and big things happen there. 

Just kind of stunning to stop and think about it sometimes. 

Yesterday was a blur of meetings and sessions, helping people, chatting. I left the house before 7:30 and was at the lobby before 8:15 when I was supposed to be. Felt good to be on time. Also felt good to be there in the building so incredibly early to enjoy the bright open space on a lovely sunny day. It was a hugely long day with first sessions starting at 9, escorting tour groups around the building and to look at all the stuff, and the last session ending at 6:30. 

At about 4:30 one of my colleagues came over and said "let's bail at 5 and go get a beer." I was completely game. 

Four of us went over and sat, just our immediate team members, away from the building and clients and people. Just having time like we used to do, back in the day.

Another team had the same idea, but gathered to hang out on the building's patio because the weather was so perfect. They were flooding Slack with fun pictures, and while I greatly enjoyed out little team gathering, I miss those other guys and would have appreciated being invited to the hang. 

We've all gotten out of social practice.

We talked about a bunch of actual work stuff and then non-work stuff. One colleague had traveled down from Connecticut so it was fun to spend time with her in person for the first time in a long time. 

Another is thinking of selling his condo in DC and moving to Minneapolis. He can probably rent his condo for more than twice what his mortgage is, and then make bank. Maybe. Rentals in the Minneapolis area are super affordable, and on a a DC Salary he could live like a damn hell ass king. 

Another just relocated to DC and talked about how his new place is right on the Pride parade route, and he just sat with friends and watched instead of going down and participating like he would have if he was just visiting, or if he was in his home city. He said it was all a little weird to not be in but an observer. Like a tourist to his own culture.

The brewery filled up rapidly and there were people there from the conference, so folks chatted us up. I was feeling super tired so it was time to go. My Connecticut colleague walked me back to the car and I got home in no time, just after 8pm. Just like Tuesday. Only far more exhausted.

Today I opted to stay home. My foot is killing me, and my doctor believes (without seeing me but reading an email where I describe what I've got going on) I have plantar fasciitis. She prescribed a bunch of stretches and exercises to do. 

A colleague told me to find a good massage therapist because the problem is in my calf and hamstring, not my foot. "You can roll a frozen orange under your foot all you want but the issue has to be addressed in your leg." 

Here's me looking for a local massage therapist to help. 

It's nice being at home where I can go water the plants or make toast for myself whenever I want. The only large immovable monolith in my life is my dog when she's taking up my seat on the couch. I showered before an 11am meeting. I get a lot of things done through the day. It is nice to be well rested. 

Also I got a phone call at like 2pm from my buddy Rob, who I don't think I've talked to since March maybe. Being able to just chat while he's driving 2 hours to get to a thing in the middle of the day is nice. 

Late in the day one of my good good buddies who was in town from the Midwest messaged me to see what I was doing. I told him basically he was welcome here, if he could make his way here, via Uber because yeah - thanks Metro. We chatted back and forth a little and didn't come up with a plan. I dozed a bit and Doug's mom called to talk about us coming during July 4th time. So now I'm asking for those days off. I think that's our next heavy sigh adventure.

Wednesday digits

exercise: 10/12 hours. Missed 2 hours in listening sessions/presentations. 30 min. walk from the office to the brewery. 9400+ steps (if I didn't miss those 2 hours, i would have killed 10k) 

blood glucose:

6:30am: 146
10pm: 196

between 8 and 9: several little breakfast baked goodies
10am: metformin and protein shake; 
12:45: chicken, some quinoa, sauteed veg, hummus
1:30pm: some strips of steak and a little more hummus
6:30pm: a couple beers, 6 wonderful chicken fingers

Thursday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours. 18 minute indoor walk between some meetings. 6300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 163
5pm: 165
11pm: 205

10:30am: small bowl of mac&cheese w/bacon
11am: metformin
1pm: slice of apple pie; protein shake (the apple pie was not that good. sadly. not worth it).
6pm: small bowl of pasta w/sausage sauce; red wine
7pm: Metformin+jardiance
8pm: ramekin of pretzels

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Two Hours In 20 Minutes Out

I only managed to hit snooze 4 times this morning and then got up mostly because I had to pee. Please be proud of me. Today I didn't need to be in first thing but made it in time for a 9:30am team meeting.  Again. Be proud of me.

It was so strange being back in the office, breathing the same air with 10 different people from all over the country. Most of my morning was spent hanging out with Brendo while we both worked a little while many people came to talk to us.

We have a lovely new administrative assistant for my team and I spent some time with her today which was a lot of fun.  I didn't attend all the sessions. I wanted to, my heart was just not in it. I sat in the lobby and answered helpdesk tickets and talked to clients. I guess I missed a lot, things got heated in the afternoon session. But that's not where I feel I do my best, I do my best when I'm in one on one chats in the lobby. And tomorrow will be more of that.

This morning took quite a while to get in but I was home in 20. That's more like it. 9 miles. It shouldn't take two hours. On the way home I chatted with Jess. Today is their birthday. I miss them. I wish they were here. But I would have missed the entire day being at the office so it's alright to be without them.

Alright. Off to bed. I took pictures today but can't post them because people have nametags on. Will respect their privacy. 

Digits down there.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no dedicated 10, surprisingly. 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

6:45am: 249 (???)
n/apm: forgot to take a 4:30-5pm reading because of being surrounded by everyone
10pm: 180

12pm: metformin; turkey and cheese croissant; lots of salad
6pm: 3 turkey meatballs, some hummus, cucumbers, 2 beers metformin+jardiance
8pm: red wine, several slices of turkey and 2 slices of muenster

Monday, June 10, 2024

More Patio Day

At about 4pm I made meatballs from scratch. They went into the oven, wine went into my glass, and I went out to the patio.

Doug came with, it being another one of those amazing days weather wise. Geoff got home from work and made the pasta to go with the amazing meatballs which were simmering in the sauce. 

I was hoping for leftovers, but that didn't happen. 

When dinner was ready, we sat inside to eat, but at about 7pm I said I wasn't going to lose the last of the perfect weather before I have to go back to the office for two days, so I went back out.

 Someone was weed whacking, and everyone was putting their trash out for tomorrow morning's collection. Geoff came out to put everything out to the curb, and we sat and chatted a bit about his day. I talked to my colleague Brendo on the phone for a while. He just flew into town for the work events happening this week. He was off to take a walk around the national mall. I wished him well. 

My neighbor John said hi to me as he was putting his trash out. We both commented on the beautiful night. "I hope you have a cocktail," he said to me and I lifted the wine glass and he laughed. 

It was time for hockey, I went back in. Lots of bug bites, so I'm going to swim in Cortisone 10 tonight, I guess. 

Nothing else really to report. Oh - I did say I was going to take a picture of the table/stand Doug got from someone's trash so. Here you go. 

Cross your fingers for me. I'm actually driving in tomorrow. Ugh.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 24 min inside walk; 7k+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 163
4:30pm: 133
11:30pm: 152 (left hand was 135 but right was 152. more believable w/pasta dinner?)

noon-ish: metformin; bowl of salad w/can of tuna and mayo
6:30pm: very small plate of pasta, 5 homemade meatballs and sauce; metformin+jardiance; red wine
9pm: about 10 ritz crackers w/peanut butter

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Plans Change

Today we were supposed to meet up with RCJ and her husband and son. She messaged me at 12:30 saying there was no way she was going to get him out of the trampoline park where they were attending a birthday party. Doug predicted it when we talked this over yesterday. He was right. 

No harm, no foul, back onto the patio to wile away the afternoon. We're supposed to get together for his birthday on June 29th so that could be the next opportunity and I can wait.

Another beautiful day. Doug took Toffee for a walk and found a side of the road plant stand and brought it home for our front porch. I forgot to take a picture of it for this entry, but will do it in the morning. 

Geoff made an excellent dinner, it was super great. I love when he finds a recipe and wants to dig in and undertake it. He could have marinaded the chicken longer but it came out just fine. I'll have him make it again some day! 

Hoping tomorrow will be nice again. Looks like later this week we are in the upper 90s and humid/stormy every day and being outside won't be an option. Tuesday I'll be headed to the office super duper early so I won't get fun patio time then. So fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Nothing much else to report. Just a quiet weekend and I liked it very much. 

Digits below.



exercise: 12/12 hours.  19 min. walk in the house. 6200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 163
5pm: 123
10:30pm: 188

1pm: metformin; protein shake
6pm: metformin+jardiance; skewered chicken, 6 pierogis, tossed salad w/caesar dressing
white wine

Saturday, June 08, 2024

All Day

The forecast today was no joke. No humidity (what?) and it was going to be in the low 80s, beautifully designed for being outside. 

I goofed around this morning on the phone until the battery needed charged. I loaded the dishwasher and ran it, and went out to see if things forecasted were true. 

Oh. Yes.

Yes they were. How amazing. 

The plants on the porch needed to be watered so I got the big assed watering can out. Toffee ran all around the yard, people were out walking. Everyone was happy. 

Oh bliss. 

I started the watering process around 12:45pm, and sat out until about 8pm when hockey started. If we had a working fire pit, I would probably have stayed out there for hours longer. 

We took our party out back and I filled the watering can with the hose to do the back yard plants. Everything was looking a bit droopy even though we have had some good rain lately. I deadheaded the things that needed groomed, watered and revived the blooms. Toffee ran around some more, and the temperature was just right for enjoying the patio. All. Day. Doug and I talked about going somewhere, but he came out here to sit with me and found his groove. You can day drink on the patio, just as well as at a brewery somewhere. Today was made for this.

I joke around and say there are maybe 5 days a year that the patio (or any outdoor locations) feel comfortable to be out in or at, and I'm only partially joking. If you've read my blog for any longer than a minute, the 7 years we've been in the DC area I've done nothing but whine about the heat and humidity. 

Not today. 

Damn. Today was good

Texted with Aaron, chatted with RCJ and her boy who says I'm his best friend (of course I am), and a couple other messages back and forth with folks. I sat reading Josh Ritter's book "The Great Glorious Goddamn Of It All," which I bought sometime last year and didn't really dedicate time to read it. Flying to and from Vegas got me back into it and today I just couldn't put it down. I have a hard time getting into reading anymore, and if you know me at all I've always been a voracious consumer of print. But yeah. I get distracted, or tired. I fall asleep a lot while reading. So for a book to grab me by the nostrils and pull me in, it's a good one. 

And I streamed Guster's new album "Ooh La La" and played it through the JBL speaker - it sounds so pretty. It really does. I'm not 100% on board with it, but there are a couple standouts that really hit me hard. The most "confessional" songwriting I've heard come out of Ryan, about his kids, his wife, life and everything. The most meaningful of the songs is "All Day," what with our recent marking of our wedding anniversary. 

I know I tell everyone to listen to Guster and everyone has got to be sick to death of me by now. but just ... take a minute and watch this lyric video. 

It's just like I told you, forever I'll hold you.... We've got all day. All day.

I asked him to grab me a seltzer from the kitchen while I was sitting out here reading. He got a glass of ice, pulled a sprig of mint out of the pot and pinched it, dropped it in. He poured the can into the glass and set it on the table for me, kissed me on the forehead, and said "did you ever imagine your life would be this great?"

To be honest... "it's been half our lives and it's made me great..." to take from the song. 

More than half our lives, to be honest.

What a great day, folks. A great day. 

I hope yours was great to the extent a day can be great wherever you are in the journeys. 

Maybe it was not. 

And this post is not some sort of humble brag about how wonderful our relationship is. I'm just saying, the weather was amazing. And if that's all today brought you, then that's a great day too. 

Digits below. Toffee enjoys being under the table while we chill. Phineas had no tolerance for patio shenanigans so Toffee brings her joy to summer.


exercise: 11/12 hours.  slept through 9am. Somehow managed a 17min movement streak that FB counted as exercise so I'll take it! 5200+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 169
4:30pm: 141
10pm: 123

12:30pm: 2 slices of toasted 647 bread w/peanut butter; metformin
4:30pm: 2 cheeseburgers w/ a little macaroni salad
2 truly seltzers
6:15pm: metformin+jardiance
2 truly seltzers
10pm: ritz crackers and portwine spready cheese

Friday, June 07, 2024

A birthday thing

This morning Sara texted me and said "by any chance, do you have plans tonight?" 

The answer was no, I do not. But what's up? She will sometimes text me if she has tickets to something and her husband has changed his mind about going. Tonight, it's her birthday. 

And her son made up the Birthday Plan. 

Now, I'm not into escape rooms. They are. They love them. And at age 8, Henry is already smarter than me and would basically carry me through all the puzzles we would encounter. I get frustrated at escape rooms. And they make me anxious. I don't enjoy timed activities. Deadlines worry me. 

I wasn't going to go join them at a hotel, although, I do love going to a hotel. 

And the third point, "some of her friends come over," kind of broke my heart. It's 9am on a Friday morning, her birthday is today... how many friends can you invite over with 7 hours notice. 

Me. I'm one of those friends.

I have not been paying close enough attention to the rest of the planet lately and didn't realize this was her 40th birthday. There was no plan beyond Henry's list. No party, no shenanigans. Not even one shenanigan. 

I mean 40. It's kind of big. So Henry with his amazingly big heart, wanted for her to have a great day. And I can help with giving someone a great day.

We didn't meet at the house, they decided we'd go out for dinner at the pub near the gym. So I said to myself, whelp... I've not been to the gym since before my dad's funeral. I'll go to the gym first for a little bit and then dinner. It's not a fancy place, so yoga pants and a t-shirt are fine. 

Dinner was lovely, Henry beatboxed and I sang a slow drip version of happy birthday to go with his stylin's. Great fun. Such great fun. Here's proof. 

Happy 40th birthday to a wonderful human, and thanks to your especially adorable monkey boy for making it obvious sometimes how much a part of your scene I am.

Digits below.


exercise: 10/12 hours.  missed noon by a few steps, got distracted. missed 7pm while at dinner. 23 minute treadmill walk at PF. 7300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 168
4pm: 171
11pm: 186

11am: pbj sandwich
noon: metformin
2:30pm: several slices of roast beef, some macaroni salad, some left over onions & peppers from fajitas
7pm: 2 slices of pub pizza, large salad w/buffalo fingers (ate only 1/2 the salad... too big!); 2 high noon seltzers
9pm: metformin+jardiance