Sunday, August 18, 2024

An extra day

When you travel by car, you can be a bit haphazard. I brought a suitcase, small red duffel (primarily filled with beading supplies because I anticipated downtime but got none). I had a couple canvas bags, sneakers here, flip flops there, blankets, another blanket, raincoat. Tucked things in the back of Sara's car like tetris and we went. 

Flying is different. Thankfully, Southwest lets you check two bags, so I organized my suitcase and duffel, and by some miracle got everything in and zipped. My backpack basically has my laptop, charger, a sweatshirt, a long sleeved shirt (in case I get cold on the plane) and my pills and testing kit. Ready to go. 

This morning Linda got herself ready, condensed, and organized as well. We went over to mom's and I did a gorilla glue of her shower attachment so it stays stuck to the wall for all eternity. We evaluated things in the refrigerator, what's been in there since April when I was last there. That sort of thing. 

We'll be back at the end of September, as it looks right now, and more stuff'll have to go then. But my longer term things, some protein shakes, stuff that lasts until 2025, those are all fine. 

We left to have lunch with our friend Alex near the Providence airport. The place he picked was jam packed, so we went across the way to Bistro 22 and had the place basically to ourselves. Which sometimes is a bad sign, compared to how crowded the other place was, but this was lovely. It seems to be a tradition on or around this date for us to have a Post-OTO gathering because 2023 and 2022 on this date we went out with him. 

Definitely felt like "vacation is over" vibes. 

Lin got me to the airport in no time. I went through security screening and had to wait forever for my bags because I, naturally, chose the line where someone was being trained to screen things. He was a very young person, and I watched the much older, experienced gentleman pointing to things and talking. 

And I watched this one woman have a complete and total meltdown because she was about to miss her flight. 

It was kind of sad, I understand that she wanted to make her flight but she was taking it out on all of us standing around instead of getting some sort of person in charge to come over. They gave us NO warning that this lane was a training lane and we should go to the other 3 lanes if we need. Had she been warned...

But I was basically 3 hours early. I didn't care. I enjoyed watching the man training the noob, and loved whatever it was he was learning to look for. They have signs at the front of the check-in at Providence of guns and ammo and all kinds of things found in luggage through the past FEW MONTHS, so. Train the kid. Train Him. I'm alright with it. 

She did miss her flight and threw things and was screaming. Her husband just let her rage. Sometimes, you gotta let someone rage. TSA did not jump her or stop her or whatever. 

Which I actually find surprising.

I did a brisk walk after getting my backpack, and then found the Providence Provisions which is basically the only bar/restaurant in this wing of the airport. 

I'm sure I could find something else down the other wing, but. I basically parked my ass, got wine, another wine, a third wine. I tipped hugely because the waiter was attentive and kind, and I was the only one not yelling at him. 25 minute wait for a table and I was happy to sit there parked and deleting content from someone's website because I had the time. 

Tremendously sad I left the book I'm reading at home. 

My flight was delayed, delayed, delayed agin, delayed. We were supposed to leave at 6:45 but no. They finally got us on the plane at 9. And they hurried us up to do it. I knew why. Get us in the air before the crew times out. 

The pilot was doing a spiel about how there would be no snack service (bummer, your girl is HUNGRY because she thought she would be home by 8:20 and waited to eat, and then all the snack stores were closed. boooo). In the middle of his TED talk, the flight crew came on board and said there'd be another 2-3 hour delay. Which meant the crew would time out. 

Everyone off. So sorry. We're so sorry. We tried. And yes they did. They almost had it. We almost got away. 

People were super pissed. I mean, kind of outrageously super pissed that they let us get on only to take us off, but I know about this math. I know that if you don't get up off the ground, the crew can't go. They just can't. Three other flights to Orlando, Chicago, St. Louis all got up off the ground and ours was next and then no. Based on where we were flying, no. The weather. They tried. 

First thing I did after getting off the plane was whip out the laptop to book a hotel. 

Second thing I did was call Doug so he wouldn't be checking the App and deciding when to leave to get me. 

Third thing I did was look at the text from the airline saying they had placed me on a flight tomorrow at noon. I knew there was a 10:35am flight but they probably filled that out and were moving into the next and next. 

And now I'm in the hotel, getting ready to brush my teeth. I'm hungry but had some trail mix. I'm more sleepy than hungry right now. I probably should be at the airport by 10, so I'll get up and have some brekkie, and get myself over there. Wish me luck. 

Enjoy these pics. 2022 Chris Hair looks pretty awesome. Need to revisit that!




exercise: 11/12 hours. Somehow missed noon? Not sure how but. there ya go. Measured 17 minute walk in the airport (nice). 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 180
xpm: n/a 
11pm: 181

10am: protein shake
2pm: flatbread with mushrooms, bacon, goat cheese; buttermilk chicken breast sandwich with fries, 2 mimosas.
4pm: metformin (forgot to take at lunch) 
3 glasses of airport pinot grigio while messing with my computer and playing Pokemon
10:30pm: metformin+jardiance; some trail mix

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