Saturday, August 17, 2024

No Waffle Yet

Tomorrow is go-home day. As much as I want to go home I'm also feeling like another day or two here with mom would matter. 

That, and I haven't made it down to the breakfast to get a waffle, and I kind of really love a hotel waffle. Maybe tomorrow morning. But to be honest, I shan't die without. 

Mom's car needs to go to the shop, and if it has to stay there, she'd have no way home. We need to arrange time to make an appointment so someone is here to bring her back and forth. 

Linda wants to power wash the exterior of the trailer, but we also need the patio power washed, so I'm thinking we hire a company to do it all. We'll hopefully do that this fall. 

Her porch steps need replaced. We need to look into doing that.

I have to talk to Doug about September plans. 

Today, we went over. She hasn't been showering so we told her she had to and she did. Yay mom. And then Linda trimmed her toenails. Linda is going to heaven. 

I took mom's car, went to Walmart for a few things like new strawberry preserves because she didn't notice that her half used jar had gotten moldy. Out you go, in with the new. She needed more bread. I then took her car over to the brand new super duper car wash and had it gussied up. 

It's fun going through the car wash. 

I also vacuumed the interior, it should be professionally detailed, she's got some gunk in places that the vacuum didn't work well on, and I just couldn't scrub it out myself. But. It looks 90% better I think. 

We headed back to the hotel and I asked Lin if she minded if I drove into downtown to get Pokemon supplies. I had to explain what that means. We were in town and she said she was hungry, so we hit the Mexican restaurant. My friend Jessica texted me that she and her husband were at the shopping plaza in town and they wanted to know if we wanted to go get ice cream with them. I said I'm happy to pass on the ice cream but didn't want to pass on seeing their faces. 

They came to us. 

We sat and chatted, I was so happy to get 2 visits with Jessica after maybe 12 years of not seeing each other. 

Lin and I got back to the hotel. She snoozed, I rested but didn't sleep. I got up and reorganized all my stuff, condensing 2 canvas bags and my suit case all into the suitcase. I then realized I didn't pack my lap desk (which I'm using right now. Doh) so I may have to redo things. I have another duffel in Linda's car, filled with beading supplies, so maybe this'll fit in there. 

We have time. 

Tomorrow a couple more small things for mom, then over to RI to have lunch brunch with our friend Alex before Lin drops me at the airport. 

My flight should have me home before 9pm. 

I realized I didn't take tomorrow off, and I usually take the day after a trip return off. Hmm. 

Also, still covid free over here. Happy to report that. 

Digits below our pic with Jess and Dan!


exercise: 11/12 hours. Deliberately did not get out of bed to do the 9am. Just tired. 7k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10:30am: 178
xpm: n/a 
9:30pm: 155

11am: metformin
2:30pm: protein shake
4pm: mexican food sampler, lots of dips and chips, 4 wings, cheese quesadilla, etc
6pm: metformin+jardiance
9:30pm: trail mix, wine

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