Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Do Nothing Day

The weather was crummy today, so we mostly stayed in. I started a google slide deck to present to someone about Guster. More on that someday. But literally from 10:30am to ... 6pm I worked on this. A silly vanity project. 

Sometimes I have to get a hair across my butt to do something, and get it all the way done, and be absolutely focused and not care about anything else in the world. And today was a good day for that. Almost done. Gonna show it to a couple friends to get their feedback. 

I took a walk inside the house while Doug went to pick his laptop up at Best Buy, could have walked longer but I wanted to get back to the slide deck! 

That's about it, no other real update. We'll see if tomorrow's weather is the suck or not. 

Digits. Below. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 2pm because I was focused on a google slide deck. 20min indoor walk while Geoff made dinner. 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 165
5:30pm: 154 
11pm: 200 on one finger, 160 on the other, which is why I hate taking my blood sugar.

1:30: grilled cheese & turkey on 647 bread
2pm: Metformin
6pm: large piece of chicken parm, some fettuccini
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: some peaches and vanilla ice cream  

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